$10,000 Treasure Chest FOUND in Indiana Forest!

$10,000 Treasure Chest FOUND in Indiana Forest!

The Incredible Hunt has created a real-life treasure hunt. They secreted six treasure chests around America and will pay the finder of any chest $10,000. The treasure hunt began in June 2022 and already two chests have been uncovered for $10,000 each!

This is the story of the Indiana treasure chest (Chest VI).

If you would like to join this treasure hunt, you are welcome to find out more at:


If you would like to follow the progress of individuals and teams as they work to solve this Hunt and other smaller games, follow The Incredible Hunt on Twitter:



  1. HoustonTxDave on April 5, 2023 at 6:55 pm

    Awesome job team incredibles!

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