2021 Indiana Treasure Hunt

2021 Indiana Treasure Hunt

This is the launch video to tell you about the game I’ve created. Someone will will 5 one ounce Gold coins. This is NOT a short game. I expect it to takes months to play. But playing is part of the fun. If you like scavenger hunts or escape rooms, you’ll enjoy this but is that on a grand scale. if you love movies and books like the Goonies, National Treasure, Ready Player One, and wished something like that could happen in real life, this is for you. The play field is all of Indiana.

Go to HereToThereMovers.com/treasure to sign up.

The first riddle will be available for you to start on 3/1/21. The website will track your progress through 100 levels. If you are first to solve all 100 and get to the spot indicated in the last level, you will find GOLD! If you are NOT the first one to get through the game, you will still have fun! Get out and enjoy life… you only have 1

Good luck!!!!

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