5 Buried Treasures of Gold in Arizona — One Will Make You FILTHY Rich!
5 Buried Treasures of Gold in Arizona — One Will Make You FILTHY Rich!
#losttreasure #buriedtreasure #treasurehunting
Of all the old west stories about lost treasures, Arizona seems to take top spot. Arizona was the last of the contiguous states to be admitted to the Union, becoming a state on February 14, 1912. Prior to that time it was known as the real wild west where people came to seek their fortunes or hide from the law. During those early years Arizona saw hundreds of robberies, gun fights and hangings. It also has a lot of buried and hidden treasures still waiting to be found.
Stories about the lost superstition and the lost opata mine are quite well known but there are many other lesser known lost treasures that warrant a good look also. In this story we are going to look at what we think could be the top five lost and hidden lesser known treasures, where one of these lost treasures if found, could set you up for life.
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You can read about this gold rush at: http://lostmines.net/five-lost-arizona-treasures.html
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Love your stories. It makes a person dream. Wish i was young again and could go looking for treasures.
"AU" let’s go
I I will never understand, why those old timers had to go buy everybody drinks and gamble it all away. Thanks pal for the great stories.
Dowsing for gold is the best shot of finding any of these treasures. Learn how to build and the physics involved in dowsing with the modern light weight ball bearing dowsing rod. Read the book: The Art of Dowsing – Separating Science from Superstition ($14.95), by Michael Fercik.
Same in Wyoming….lots of treasure buried by Hole-in- the-wall gang from there to Brown’s Park.
Not to mention a thousand other bandits.
Thanks, your channel is under utilized.
Lonely Arizona and the lure of riches love the show xoxo keep up the good work
Mormon lost silver is a good story and can be verified.
I guess I can only truly wonder how many of those five stashes are still actually out there untouched.
So if you know where these spots are…. Then why haven’t you gotten them already?? Lmao
I am sure there are many many more, and I look forward to hearing of them from Old Lost Mines.
I often wonder how many old stashes, large and small, are found. And the finder is smart enough to not say a word to anybody! 🤔