The Arkansas Legends

The Arkansas Legends

Our next stop on the Eerie USA tour features not a specific event or location in Arkansas, but a plethora of places, as it turns out, Arkansas is really quite haunted. There were some incredibly fascinating stories, such as the story of Highway 365, which tells the tale of a young girl asking for a ride. She’s cold, and so she’s offered a jacket. The driver drops her off at home, and well, it turns even more interesting. How about the White River Monster? A giant aquatic monster that lives, and has been spotted multiple times in Newport. There have been dozens of theories on the subject, some supernatural, some a little more tame. If you’re driving through Arkansas, it’s safe to say that you’ve driven on a haunted road, or crossed a dastardly bridge. It seems that there is an disproportionate amount of haunted roads and highways in the state. From Wolf Bayou Bridge, to the Tilly Willy Bridge, there seems to be a haunting everywhere you turn. In this cast, I’m going to branch out from the usual, and cover an assortment of stories from the state. It should be exciting! Also, this is the last cast you can leave a review and be entered to win some merch! Remember, leave a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts or Stitcher for your chance to win!

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