Horrific Creatures and Haunting Legends of New England
Horrific Creatures and Haunting Legends of New England
New England is a treasure trove of chilling Legends and Lore! From horrific creatures, to Ghostly Legends. New England has it all. Meet the eerie PigMan of Northfield, Vermont, the haunting White Lady of Brownville Road, Maine, the mysterious Last American Vampire of Rhode Island, the foreboding Hockomock Swamp, Massachusetts, and the spine-chilling Melon Heads of Connecticut. These tales haunt dreams.
This is a great idea! The urban legends & myths from long ago are very intriguing. I like when people, like yourself, investigate to either prove or disprove them, or confirm that it’s a mystery. A legend here in Georgia is "the lady of the lake", the lake being Lake Lanier in Hall County. It’s about 45 minutes northeast of Atlanta. Back in the 1950’s or 60’s, 2 women were driving on a road that goes by the lake late at night, going home from a night out. The car went off the road & into the lake. I can’t remember the circumstances, but one body wasn’t found. It’s believed that the lady of the lake is the missing woman & if you see her it isn’t a good thing. I believe that Lake Lanier is haunted, but not for that reason. It’s a man-made lake that the Corps of Engineers created to build the Buford Dam. A town was evacuated & flooded, and the government reimbursed the residents so they could find housing elsewhere. They said all the graves were relocated, but it’s been determined that that wasn’t the case. Divers have found tombstones & grave markers still there, under the water. There’s also houses, cars, trees, etc. and it’s very eerie & unsettling. For that reason, I haven’t been to Lake Lanier. It’s one of the most dangerous lakes in the area, more drownings & boating accidents than normal. It would be very cool if you could come down here and check it out. I would love to hear your thoughts & get your perspective!
Brother I’m glad you’re doing this on your own channel these days.
I like this style and would enjoy more!! ❤️
Simply awesome!!!!!
This was very fascinating and I enjoyed it. Always love good folklore and urban legends. You should include Stull, Kansas!
Jason, I, for one, really enjoy such stories. I think you should keep this up!
This is great! Please don’t stop with New England, give the other states some love too.
I love this idea! this was awesome. I’m in NJ and we all know what or who is famous in NJ. I live not far from the Pine Barrens, the home of the Jersey Devil. Is it real or legend? Many claim it is real others just a legend passed down over the years.
The ‘Pig Man’, the ‘Mellon Heads, really Jason? Sam is riding a bike from the 70s not the 50s. You are starting to lose a bit of credibility with me Jason…
OOOOHHHH I absolutely LOVE this! I love anything cryptid!❤ I can’t wait for more to come out!
I love this video! And I’m glad the sun is still up as I watch.
So, this is something I have been working on. I am thinking about creating a whole series like this. Each one would be longer and more into each Legend and lore. Please let me know your thoughts. Enjoy!
Great video and love folklore & legends!! Do more, please, about each State!! Thanks Jason awesome read, video look is so complete, simple, great graphics and to the point!! Your hard work will make this series a Winner!!
I loved it! Really looking forward to more.
Love this! ❤
I would be very interested in that. I have subscribe, how do I become a member?
Terrifying and intriguing at the same time! 😮 personally, I believe some of this has to do with demonic activity for unknown reasons. As we know demons are even mentioned in scripture and missionaries who have returned from countries where black magic and demon worship is heavily practiced, have seen the results first hand. They had no reason to lie about their experiences, and don’t talk about lot about it unless asked. My 2 cents worth
A town next to mine has a pig man, even was on the travel channel.
I would love to see more of these legends in a series Jason, it sounds like it would be a very interesting series to watch
I love this content, especially stories about the new england area, 👍
Really enjoyed this Jason ! Thank you
The story about the melon heads is really a sad one.
You should do it!
Hi Jason! Love your channel & I love content like this. I am about to introduce a similar series to my channel regarding strange things here in Texas. 👻💜
I absolutely love this! Please continue to make more. Your voice is perfect for story telling. Very enjoyable listening.
South Carolina has the Gray man. Many have testified that they saw him and their house was spared.❤
Oh this is great! Love the animations and artwork. And you have a great voice for this kind of stuff. Hope to see more of these in the near future <3
Ghost hunters? Taps?😱😱😱 we need!
Your work, in particular, has opened my eyes to the possibility that there are other beings that we’re not familiar with that are among us. Thank you for all that you do!
I just got into your show with Jim. So would be happy with this one as well
My state is West Virginia we have mothman.
SMH. How could you not talk about the Jersey Devil?
As a fellow New Englander im from NH. One legend we have is in Manchester. Its the runner on River rd. If your out there at Midnight sometimes you’ll see a runner that doesn’t acknowledge anyone that may be around and then he will disappear and make you think your hallucinating or scare the crap right outta you😂. This was awesome Jason👏🏼👏🏼👻💩
100% down for more!
Jay your voice is perfect! I wouldn’t care what you are talking about. Lol
But , I did enjoy this and would love to hear more like it. I see by all the comments that I read, we all like it and would like you to do more. I agree with everyone’s comments so far. So, there you go, keep doing them. Kudos!!!
HI Jason there is road in Bedford NH called Meeting house road there is a man on horseback and his dog that run across the road in mid to late August around Twighlight . He wears a Tri Corner Hat. Jean Crosby
100% would love for you to do this. I’m from NE and live on Cape we have so much rich history here. Would love for you to take us along as you explore the mystery and folklore 💕💕🎉
What about NH? Is it not in New England?
New Jersey has the Jersey Devil
Phenomenal idea Jason!!, I’m absolutely 💯 loving and preferring the Utube over TV!!!! Yikes the devils wash bowl terrifying, I really feel bad for miss Mercy is she ever going to be able to rest on peace especially with her heart ripped out and not being whole. The triangle mysteries definitely coincide with alien, Bigfoot and Ufo sightings, the show Skinwalker ranch has made incredible ground breaking developments with extraordinary evidence on this end of paranormal. The melon heads look like alien life forms that have been placed here as an experiment from all the abduction cases of women of certain bloodlines again terrifying!! Yes Please 🙏 for more of this Content!!!!!!!!
Hello Jason, This Is Very Fascinating.
I would love to see more of this
🎉🎉🎉 Great video! Very interesting. Some I’ve heard of, some I have not. Here for more!
I would love this! These are some of the best stories told!!
there’s a few in the pnw that are not just sasquatch. the Amhuluk, a dragon that drowns people and emits a malarial fog for example. and collosal claude, a giant freshwater seahorse in the columbia river, the gumbaroo- a giant mostly hairless creature with a need to feed who’s only damaged by fire and a host of logging lore like hide behinds (odd shape shifting critters that well. hide behind, trees mostly, to grab a logger and eat him right up) and ball tailed cats who were similar, except being exceptionally hungry for humans large cats with a tail like a mace.
LOVE ❤️! Yes, please, bring on more and more info on each.
If I learned nothing else from Cosmo Kramer, it’s that the Pigman is very real 😮