Oak Island Treasure Found
Oak Island Treasure Found
#oakisland #oakislandtreasure #piratetreasure
0:00 – 24:00 – Oak Island Treasure Found
24:01 – 33:00 – Japanese Legend Claims Jesus Died In Japan
33:01 – 53:00 – Ancient Scrolls Reveal Jesus Spent Years in India
53:01 – 1:04:30 – Headless Men of the Valley of Nahanni
1:04:31 – 1:16:00 – The Headless Blemmyes of the Middle Ages
1:16:01- 1:44:00 – The Green Children Of Woolpit
1:44:01 – 2:01:00 – Queho: Renegade Indian Outlaw or Scapegoat?
Oak Island Treasure Found
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Was Oak Island treasure found since the pit’s discovery? The answer is yes! One might be led to believe no large amount of treasure has yet been found, and this is true, when it comes to the mother lode. But what has the island already yielded, which continues to entice investors to throw bundles of cash, down into the “Money Pit”.
In that year preceeding the American Revolution, an old man passed away in the British colony of New England, who on his deathbed confessed to have been part of the crew of the infamous pirate Captain Kidd. They buried two million pounds sterling, he said, deep in the soil of a secluded island, north of Boston. Daniel McInnis, a property holder on Oak Island in 1799, found a spot on the western shore, where the forest had been cut back, leaving a field of tree stumps. A single oak had been left standing in the middle of this clearing, and from a branch of this tree, a tackle block was suspended from a rusty nail. The block was so old that, when it was dislodged and fell to the ground, it disintegrated upon impact.
That’s when McInnis, saw the place where the block landed, was a depression in the earth. He suspected the ground there had been excavated, at some point in the past. He cleared away the young saplings in the hollow. Then he started to dig.
Captain William Kidd was a Scot, who in 1689, was hired by the British government, to harass the ships of France, whom England was battling at sea. He received no compensation from the crown. Instead, he was instructed to extract his payment from the French, and thus began his career as a pirate. An example of his plunder would include satins and valuable silks, jewels, coin, and ingots of silver and gold. Captain Kidd was fond of burying his loot on isolated islands, in the vicinity of the coasts of New York, Connecticut, and Nova Scotia.
In the pit on Oak Island, when Daniel McInnis had scraped away the earth to a depth of but two feet, he struck a layer of flagstone, which bore no resemblance to the stones of the isle. Ten feet below he found a layer of tree logs, and at twenty feet, another tier of logs. It seemed every ten feet would turn up another layer. The next was a layer of charcoal, and the next was a layer of clay. Then came the first sign that treasure might be found. At the next ten foot interval was uncovered a single large flagstone. The stone was engraved, with letters and figures which could not be deciphered.
In 1931, at a depth of 127 feet, excavator William Chappell recovered two more artifacts from the pit… an iron anchor, and a Cornish miners pick. It was not until 1971, that a glimpse of the treasure chamber was captured on video. A syndicate formed by Daniel Blankenship excavated a parallel shaft two hundred and thirty five feet deep… at which point they reached bedrock. The syndicate lowered cameras into an adjacent cave, which captured images of treasure chests, and human remains. However, in spite of the fact that the walls of the dig were supported by steel, the exploratory shaft collapsed.
Before Marie Antoinette lost her head, during the French Revolution, the queen of France had the foresight to ship many of her precious jewels out of country. Given the vulnerability of commercial ships to privateers, it is not surprising that the missing jewels of Marie Antoinette, could have ended up in the hands of a pirate. In 2017 this theory was given a boost, by the discovery on Oak Island, of an ornate five-hundred-year-old brooch embedded with precious gems.
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The theme music is “Ouroboros” by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://www.incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400007
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
This music has been re-mixed and may not reflect the original intention of the artist.
There is a film put out by India about the Indian Jesus story. Maybe the name is Jesus in India, I have watched it at least twice. It is on YouTube!
Interesting subjects on the show. Jesus in Japanπ€