Hikers Vanish in Superstition Mountains AZ, Heads Found w/Bullet Holes, Others Found Without Heads

Hikers Vanish in Superstition Mountains AZ, Heads Found w/Bullet Holes, Others Found Without Heads


Hello everyone, in today’s case, I will be discussing the very mysterious Superstitious Mountains in Arizona and how many hikers and explorers went out looking for the lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine and were never seen again.. some were found later, only their skulls with bullet holes.. others were found with no heads at all. This is the legendary and bizarre story of the lost Dutchman’s gold mine and those who went searching for it. Sadly most never returned to tell their stories.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost their lives in the Superstitious Mountains of Arizona.

This all started with a man named Jacob Waltz who was a gold miner who apparently found a mine like no other.. Since his passing in 1891, and Jacob having apparently told his neighbor who was taking care of him in his ailing years, has sparked one of the most sought after treasures in American history. Numerous people have set out to try and find the infamous mine. Most have never returned home.. With so much time passing, it’s hard to know what is true, and what isn’t in this seminal legend of the Superstition Mountains of Arizona.

Thank you so much for watching and please be respectful in the comments if you choose to leave them 🙏

Special Thank You to CO.AG for the Background Music 🎶”
“a new life”

and Special Thank you to freesound.org
J Abel
“suspension ”

This Video is for Educational Purposes Only.

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Special Photo Credits:

Google Maps and Contributors
Tonto National Forest




The Lost Dutchman Mine, Arizona

The Legend of the Lost Dutchman Mine


Lost Dutchman seeker’s remains confirmed to be Jesse Capen’s








  1. Motorcikey on December 29, 2022 at 1:18 am

    I reckon the mine entrance has been blasted shut or sealed by the Natives who aren’t interested in the gold

  2. Sco Jo on December 29, 2022 at 1:18 am

    Well if someone found it, it would make sense that greed would drive someone to gaurd it. Greeds an ugly thing.

  3. Ruth McCurdy on December 29, 2022 at 1:22 am

    Bryon with a Y. My favorite name. Blessings.

  4. Davey Bass on December 29, 2022 at 1:22 am

    There are even old spanish accounts from this area, of loosing men, who would be found headless. And that they would leave, because fear.

  5. Sundancer on December 29, 2022 at 1:23 am

    Check out the search for Lassiters Reef, in Australia. Very interesting.

  6. Noble Hill,Minister & Prophet on December 29, 2022 at 1:26 am


  7. Trend Kill on December 29, 2022 at 1:26 am

    As an Apache I heard from my grandma that people thought we were protecting gold and precious metals but that this was untrue and only apparent.
    It’s said The Creator or Black Water Grandfather had appointed Mountain Spirits(Gaan) to reside and protect the mountains.
    A lost band of Apache had made a pact with the Mountain Spirits to protect and watch one specific thing.
    Something deep in the flesh of the mountains
    something real old that don’t want to be bothered or dug up.
    The rumor is ancient dark energies made their home in the mountain long before people were created.
    It needed to be respected and sometimes appeased to quell it’s dangerous nature.
    It’s unclear exactly what it was but I hear there’s a hole like a small mouth of a cave up, a 5ft area clearing in front of the hole there where animals refuse to go.
    Spooky but mythology nonetheless

  8. Pao Yang on December 29, 2022 at 1:26 am


  9. Sir André LeFae de L'inoge on December 29, 2022 at 1:31 am

    I tried to escape over a barbed-wire fence, and ended up getting caught by the Shoshones…

  10. Cat Man on December 29, 2022 at 1:31 am

    Why look for the mine, the government would only take it away 😪

  11. Dioxiz on December 29, 2022 at 1:32 am

    it is worth it. u either live in risk and accept danger and live a life of greatness no matter how short or u live in fear and die a coward that never did anything special. if nothing is ever worth your life then your life is worth nothing. is it resly worth nit to stay safe and die an old crippled stinky senile old coot. …id rather die exploring in the woods or desert truly living.

  12. Steven School Alchemy on December 29, 2022 at 1:32 am

    Hasn’t that mine been found?

  13. extremetea on December 29, 2022 at 1:35 am

    I was born in Maricopa county. #1 The mine is a mix of outright lies, wishful thinking, scam, and unfounded rumors. #2 the desert is far far more dangerous than newbies can believe. Unprepared, unequipped and thoughtless is GUARANTEED to kill you in ONE day unless one is extremely lucky. My sister’s girl scout leader died within walking distance of her own home within 24 hours for instance and a friend of mine and myself survived wandering away from our group once because we saw the nearby orange groves happened to be getting irrigated (and drank like dogs on our hands and knees.) Neither case involved anywhere near the same idiocy that these mine lookers are guilty of and one still cost a beautiful woman her life. Please don’t become another statistic or rescue victim. Stay in Idaho. We really don’t like the soft little -insert your state here- people coming around us anyway and are honestly tired of sending helicopters and firemen to hopefully save them. Maybe this will save a life. Rude or not the point must be driven home. YOU WILL DIE.

  14. Montana Mike on December 29, 2022 at 1:36 am

    there are hundreds of mines in the supers, chances are someone found it shortly after Dutchman found it and the gold is gone, and more than likely those emtpy mines that people keep finding, one of those was it. also, In a world where everything has been found and discovered, many of us would jump on the oppurtunity to stil find something new.

  15. Mouse Treehouse on December 29, 2022 at 1:36 am

    Germans don’t call themselves Germans. Their native name is Deutsche, pronounced "Doytch", which really, really sounds like "Dutch".
    So except for the New York area, that was actually settled by the Dutch, most "Dutch" things got misnamed throughout the country.
    For example: the Pennsylvania Dutch are Germans, and many Germans moving out west got themselves misnamed by referring to themselves as "Deutsche" (Doytch = Dutch).
    (Sorry, it must be the teacher in me)!

  16. Bob Voso on December 29, 2022 at 1:36 am

    It could be a secret sect of Indians protecting the mountain.

  17. Aaron Taylor on December 29, 2022 at 1:36 am

    Why is the word ‘death’ so taboo these days? These people didn’t ‘pass’. They died. Either of old age or accidents. Where are they meant to have ‘passed’ to? The next stagecoach post? They definitely just died. Bit the dust. Kicked the bucket. Life was snuffed out.

  18. Dom on December 29, 2022 at 1:38 am

    Well, go hiking in the fall through winter to not die of hear exhaustion.

  19. Paul Holbrook on December 29, 2022 at 1:39 am

    I’am in my 70s now….When I was a kid in the 1960s, I lived in Phoenix Az…My older 20 something sister dated an electrician who with friends, liked to go out in 4 by 4s into remote areas around Phoenix, which was only a fraction of the size it is today…..They went into the Superstitions always armed to the teeth….I asked him why…He said that there was a hard core group of Apaches in the Superstitions who had never surrenderd to the US Gov’ment, and killed whites when they encountered them…. True? I have no idea…..

  20. Brian Barrett Wilson on December 29, 2022 at 1:40 am

    The famed pirate Blackbeard’s hidden treasure is supposedly buried where I grew up, and these stories just reminded me of that legend I used to dream about as a child. This sort of hidden treasure curiosity is something that affects so many people tho and folks go to great lengths to find something that may just be unfindable. Every local knows every detail and thousands travel from all over just to see if they can find it. Wild.

  21. Pao Yang on December 29, 2022 at 1:42 am

    HEY THERE, I KNOW THERE A BIG REWARDS FOR THOSE TREASURE HUNT FINDING GOLD BUT INSTEAD REALITY NOTHING WORTH YOUR LIFE Do you people’s really think somebody’s or someone’s really just gona let you go in there & dig those gold out took it w/ ya hell no somebody’s gona put a bullet in your head just like what dude talking about here??!! R.I.P to those that perish??!! RESPRENT THE HOOP FROM FROGTOWN MINNESOTA U.S.A??!!

  22. Harry Mane on December 29, 2022 at 1:45 am

    I remember those 3 guys out of Utah in 2010. They went hiking in the middle of July?! When the desert heat is at its brutal worst? And the one guy had to be rescued the previous year for the same thing. An irresponsible fool. The summer desert heat is so bad it’s even testy walking the EASY 2 to 3 mile hiking/walking trails near the state park. That heat will knock you down. Most locals will finish their summer hikes and be back at the tailhead before 9 AM. It gets bad after that. What were those idiots thinking? As for Jesse Capen, all I can say – it doesn’t take much to twist or snap your ankle, and you’re a dead man, unless you have good cell service wherever you fell to call for help. These trails and desert grounds are not sidewalks. They’re rocky and tricky and you don’t have to fall far to injury yourself seriously. Don’t hike alone. It’s no joke. I feel sorry for Jesse.

  23. Sergio Granados on December 29, 2022 at 1:46 am

    the excitement and curiosity of looking no matter what

  24. Skeeter Saurus on December 29, 2022 at 1:48 am

    Been out there several times…and WITHOUT A DOUBT, the ‘deadly force’ in that area RATTLES! There are more rattlesnakes in that area, than ants on a New York sidewalk! Seriously, you’re a FOOL to walk out there, unless you have some SERIOUS snake garters on! As for gold? I’ve seen MOST of the ‘maps’ of the supposed mine, read various books on it…and I’m here to tell you, if there ever WAS gold there, it was ‘Conquistador gold’ brought up from the Aztecs to the South…and after Jacob’s death…it was most-likely taken out of there over 100-years ago! The numerous mines (to fall in) are still there. The numerous caves (to get lost and injured in) are still there. The millions of rattlesnakes (to die from) are still there…but there is no gold of any ‘refined amount’ still there. If you want to ‘go on a modern expedition’ with the chances of finding fame, gold, wealth, notoriety, etc…you want to seek out ‘Kincaid’s Cave’ in the Grand Canyon…it’s story is amazing, the things reported there are mind-bending, the ‘official denials’ are thought provoking…and the sheer physical abilities required to even reach it, are a challenge for even the best riverman/mountaineer! Forget ‘Waltz’s mine’…seek out ‘Kincaid’s Cave’ instead!

  25. CB on December 29, 2022 at 1:50 am

    Unfortunately it was legend and not true. There was never a huge gold mine there. Just hearsay passed on generation after generation and it changed. Regardless of what people think it’s simply was never there and a lot of folks died for absolutely no reason. It’s really sad. And btw I go shooting up there once a month.

  26. Donna Wolk on December 29, 2022 at 1:52 am

    Going backpacking there in December, so excited.

  27. Bumble Bee Flower on December 29, 2022 at 1:56 am

    I really like your approach to these stories. Thank you! It’s refreshing to not hear it all hyped up and fast glorifying violence instead of approaching it with compassion like you have. I am grateful for your style and content. There are rumors about those mountains and how they got their name they say the dead haunt those mountains and there is a creepy feeling even when you drive by them!

  28. D. B. on December 29, 2022 at 1:57 am

    You can’t believe what you hear…people will tell you anything…

  29. Chris McNatt on December 29, 2022 at 1:57 am

    I’ve been hiking and Backpacking in the Superstitions for about 45 years even as a little kid. I never thought they are anymore dangerous then any place else I hike. As a matter of fact, I went hiking there this morning.

  30. Noble Hill,Minister & Prophet on December 29, 2022 at 1:57 am

    They found this mine years ago! Not lost only people miss informed

  31. slinman100 on December 29, 2022 at 1:58 am

    Thank you for this-I had never heard the background stories.

  32. netstarr77 on December 29, 2022 at 2:00 am

    Was found back in 1978. Melted ingot worth at the time $250k was found. It’s in a Federal park so you can’t mine it now anyway.

  33. BBQDad463 on December 29, 2022 at 2:02 am

    Thank you for this interesting video.
    Searching for a mine in that terrain sounds like a supreme challenge. One would be searching for an opening perhaps no more than six to ten feet square. One would have to be nearly within arm’s reach of it to spot it.
    In my very limited experience hiking and backpacking in the Southwest, I can definitely state with complete confidence that, if one is not prepared for the conditions, one will expire rather quickly. The heat can be lethal, even in April and May. The Southwest does not suffer fools gladly. Small errors in judgment swiftly create life-or-death situations.
    Again, thanks for the video.

  34. Jesse James HollyWood on December 29, 2022 at 2:02 am

    Supposedly wrong turn people live deep in there

  35. Myron Walker on December 29, 2022 at 2:03 am

    I did a 2 day 18 mile backpacking trip through the superstition mountains. 1. The place is HUGE. The distance between places you’ve identified on google maps is way further of a walk than you might think and the walking is hard with a backpack. Backpacking one mile in the superstition mountains is probably like hiking 2 miles on a normal hiking trail. Especially the deeper you go in. I totally believe that the mine is possibly there but just really hard to find. When you are out there, the place is huge and a mine could be hiding around any corner. Jacob Waltz reportedly said the mine is hard to find. 2. You are 100% correct. You better prepare very well before you go out here to spend any length of time. Depending on the time of year, weather and rainfail, the water you might expect to find in the few water holes or springs might not be there or might be hard to find. You might hike an hour to get to a water hole only to find it dry and have to hike to another. ( You MUST be able to filter water or you could run out and die !!!! ) 3. Its remote. The trails are rocky and you can get hurt on them easily. They are difficult. If you get hurt and you are by yourself, i don’t think you will make it out. I would never go out there alone. Especially if you are hiking in a ways. Always, always take someone with you. 4. You might want to take a snake bite kit and leggings. We ran across a rattle snake on our hike hiding along the trail under a shrub. The trails are narrow and there could be snakes under any bush on the trail. Hiking poles are invaluable, you can use them to push the thorns a brush aside ahead of you and make lots of noise as you go to scare away the snakes that could be right on the trail 5. Take multiple navigation maps and hopefully someone who knows the area well if your going in for a long distance. The terrain on the trails can get confusing. The trails are marked with piles of stones where they cross open areas or streams but you don’t always see the small piles. Satellite navigation with all-trails was the easiest navigation method because it would help you follow the trail and help you know if you went off the trail, but electronic devices take batteries and need to be working to use them. You need backup if you batteries go down so take maps and a compass as well. We carried a lithium ion solar charged battery pack with us. Plenty of sun out there and you can charge it while taking a rest in the shade. It is easy to lose the trails and it is easy to get lost. If you lose the trail, the terrain is rough and might not be easy to follow or traverse. 6. You have to be careful about travelling in the heat of the day, you’ll go through all your water and water is hard to find and heavy to carry. There is almost no shade. The only shade you find in the middle of the day close to a trail is where there is very occasional tall brush and the only trees are at the watering holes. The almost non-existent tall trees can help you find water but there are no guarantees. 7. When you are out there, you really understand that if you wouldn’t have prepared really really well, and if your are not careful. Things can turn really bad really fast. Be safe… Prepare… Prepare…Prepare…Prepare….

  36. Scot McLean on December 29, 2022 at 2:03 am

    "SupposeDly" Very good video. Nice work.

  37. GB on December 29, 2022 at 2:05 am

    It’s “supposedly” not “supposably”

  38. Richard Helit on December 29, 2022 at 2:05 am

    It’s a dead end.don’t experience it.

  39. flintliddon on December 29, 2022 at 2:07 am

    Lots and lots of things are worth risking your life over.

  40. The Smack Daddy on December 29, 2022 at 2:10 am

    People assume the gold was never found as if whoever found it would blow a horn and tell the world

  41. Kimo Alopeke on December 29, 2022 at 2:11 am

    I hear that have a cool old "Superstition Mountains" museum near Apache Junction. I can’t hike the trail, but I can visit the museum 🥴 Another great video. Thank you.

  42. readingtrees on December 29, 2022 at 2:12 am

    Are you serious?!? Shotgun OR Rifle holes…no…no…BIG difference. Give me a break.

  43. Alejandro Trevino on December 29, 2022 at 2:12 am

    What we call imps gnomes brownies elves hobbits ect protect the gold in that mine trust me

  44. Mind Swamp on December 29, 2022 at 2:13 am

    The story was interesting to a point but the narrator has a tendency to ramble.

  45. Fionn Mac Cumhaill on December 29, 2022 at 2:14 am

    A lot of bodies are out there.

  46. Rich Frank on December 29, 2022 at 2:14 am

    Mysterys of the superstition mountains is one of my favorite podcast. I’m all about our southland desert . .. good show ty!!

  47. Joe Trueblood on December 29, 2022 at 2:15 am

    Very dangous to travel at night in the desert or mountains, their are open mine holes that once you slip into your not going to survive, a 200 or 300 ft drop are some of the small shafts.

  48. Darrell Lne on December 29, 2022 at 2:16 am

    Oh it’s Very Real and one of these days it will be found again and it’s going to surprise lot’s of people, too bad the vast majority of people were looking in the wrong locations.

  49. I don't give a fu*k on December 29, 2022 at 2:17 am

    I’ve always wondered why the two holes, fu*k makes me believe there’s a feral gunman out there, like in that movie "Wolf Creek."

  50. J B on December 29, 2022 at 2:17 am

    How does a Minor have a beard under 18 yrs old ?

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