OH NO! You Want To Develop This Hawaii Treasure?

OH NO! You Want To Develop This Hawaii Treasure?

Kawainui Marsh is one of the most beautiful places in Hawaii, if not the whole planet. It is the largest wetland in Hawaii, home to 4 species of endangered water birds. There are plans to develop the area in order to bring in eco-tourism.

For more information:




  1. Kawainui Marsh Education Initiative on April 11, 2023 at 7:18 pm

    This is not an eco-tourism plan!!! There is no tour bus parking in this plan.  We are environmentalists, ecologists, educators, and cultural practitioners in favor of restoring this compromised wetland and cultural/environmental education resource through this brilliant master plan. Back-breaking work for decades to restore lowland forest and archaeological/cultural sites, and wetland restoration as well as education of thousands of kids about ecology, cultural, stewardship, wetlands, biology, geology, hydrology, native birds and more is really what the people behind this plan are about. This plan isn’t about development, or tourists.  Far from it.  Stop counting tool sheds and nurseries, trails, and viewing pavilions for kids to study native birds and parking lots for school buses and get out and help clean up this denigrated wetland and participate in environmental education and stewardship.

  2. tony curtis on April 11, 2023 at 7:31 pm

    Great job Dick !  Let’s hope common sense prevails here.

  3. Aline LaForge on April 11, 2023 at 7:40 pm

    Windward Oahu is one of the worst places to encourage more vehicles, and the wetlands should be restored. Preserve open lands, protect resources. They are a fresh water sponge and protect the beaches and shallow waters of the windward coast. Malama

  4. shallow water sailor explorer on April 11, 2023 at 7:42 pm

    Turning into New York. I LOVE TRUMP AND WHAT he stands for, LOOK at LONDON
    tonight and LEARN…….

  5. Ring Miller on April 11, 2023 at 7:50 pm

    if the Trump era is at our doorstep then we as a community must fight for the wildlife. I’m for restoring the marsh despite how daunting a task it would be. This is just the type of land that Trump and his friends would drool over! think how many homes we could build!!!! I’m ambivalent about making it a tourist destination. It seams that they come even if nobody tells them about it! So I say we should plan on tourist unless we can figure out a way to keep them out.

  6. teenee4 on April 11, 2023 at 7:55 pm

    by 2100 things balance out with almost less then half of today’s population living on the Earth & smarter/greener tech thing’s look good for the future 🙂

  7. S_ Lajban on April 11, 2023 at 7:56 pm

    So sad! Humanity is cancer

  8. Old Wolf on April 11, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    If there’s no way to balance the economic pressures with the conservation of places like this, then they won’t be conserved. Screaming at the wind won’t help. Realistic solutions need to be imagined and implemented.

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