Discover Nebraska's Hidden Gems

Discover Nebraska's Hidden Gems

Find out the details on the Nebraska Passport program that helps travelers discover Nebraska’s hidden gems! The Nebraska Passport offers a wide variety of travel adventures, including museums, parks, restaurants, wineries, retail stores, and more. At each Passport stop participants visit they receive a stamp, either in a Nebraska Passport booklet or a digital stamp on the Nebraska Passport app, and win prizes based on how many stops they go to! Stamps can be collected from May 1 to Sept 30, 2021. It’s like a treasure hunt revealing hidden gems in our state and a fun way to explore and enjoy our amazing state.
The program will be presented by Madison Johnson who serves as the Passport Program Coordinator where she focuses on participation, program development, and implementation, as well as training and educating selected program applicants regarding the benefits of the program. Originally from Fairbury, Nebraska, Madison grew up on an acreage outside of town and has a passion for Nebraska and rural communities.

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