Tribute #4 to “Health Care Treasures” and Essential Workers — Hawaii Pharmacists, Techs, and Staff

Tribute #4 to “Health Care Treasures” and Essential Workers — Hawaii Pharmacists, Techs, and Staff

The May 27, 2020 version of the tribute video features Hawaii Pharmacists, Techs, and Staff as the Hongwanji Health Care Treasure of the Week. Rev. Tomo Hojo of West Kauai Hongwanji Buddhist Temple provides the opening narration about the significance of ringing the temple bell. The message is from Rev. Satoshi Tomioka, resident minister at Puna Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.

About the Mahalo Video Series:

The Hawaii Hongwanji Mission has developed a program for our sangha to express their gratitude to all essential workers and especially the front-line medical professionals serving the public during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each Wednesday at 12 noon, a “Mahalo” video will be published on the HHMH YouTube channel for viewing by our members, friends and community to remind us to stop for a moment and think of these selfless beings that courageously face higher risk of infection than those taking refuge at home. When lockdown rules and guidance from the Bishop’s Office permit, ministers will ring temple bells on Wednesdays at noon as the video is published.

The 8-minute video features kansho bell ringing, introductions by Bishop Matsumoto and a Hongwanji minister, a photo collage accompanied by the Choralfest choir singing “Because You Are There,” and a closing message by a Hongwanji minister. New photos will be shown each week and a “Health Care Treasure of the Week” will be honored. Each week’s video will remain in the YouTube library for viewing at a later time.

Please mark your calendars to take 10 minutes and say “Thank you” to the so many others who support our life, health, and safety.

Namo Amida Butsu!

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