Explorers May Have Found One Of The Ships Of The Lost Spanish Fleet of 1715 | Expedition Unknown

Explorers May Have Found One Of The Ships Of The Lost Spanish Fleet of 1715 | Expedition Unknown

Josh Gates and a team of explorers go to Florida to try to find out some of the ships of the lost Spanish Fleet of 1715. What they discover is something exceptional!

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  1. violinmaestro knight on August 25, 2022 at 12:49 pm

    Imagine how people were 5,000 years ago without God’s True Book. How would they have known how they were
    supposed to live? How would they have known how they were supposed to be in order to please their Creator? So
    God gave the law of Moses back then. This law was for the people to know how to be. They saw what God expected
    out of them. God had high expectations from the Israelites. Why shouldn’t He? Should He drop His expectations for
    love and grace? If He drops His expectations to accommodate what man wants, then He compromised His
    perfection for man’s imperfection. Does a Perfect God compromise His perfection?
    So God has expectations once He tells His creation how He wants things. His love and grace gives His creation time
    to change. He is willing to help them change if they ask Him. Then His creation, while repenting or changing to do
    His will, see His Beauty. This is a relationship formed now with the Creator. If He is the Most Beautiful Being, which
    He is, how can His creation not want to obey Him? How can His creation not want to please Him? The reason why is
    because of foolishness. Man loves his own foolishness rather than God’s wisdom, Jn 3:19. Man loves his sin. If
    anyone loves himself, he will stay in sin. So man who stays in sin rejects his perfect Creator or Father, and
    exchanges it for his own foolishness.
    So now fast forward to today where we have God’s True Book. We officially know what God wants. God gave His
    creation a big help, the Word, to show us how He wants us to live. If we follow His perfect teachings, we all live
    with perfect peace, love, joy and unity. This is His perfect design for His children’s lives. When we go against His
    perfect design for what we want, sin, we throw away that perfect plan. We throw away that perfect peace, love, joy
    and unity. Giving up these things is foolish. So sinning against God proves to be the worst plan for us!
    God wanted to help mankind. God wanted to save man from his foolishness. He wanted to help us the best way
    possible because He is Good. The best and only way to do it, as God saw fit, was to give mankind His Son. Why? The
    Son is the Word, Jn 1:1. The Word always obeys the Father’s will. The Father’s will is spoken through His Word.
    The Word proceeds forth from the Father’s will and mind. So the Word that God speaks is the pure sequel to what
    was inside the Father’s mind and heart. Jesus is that perfection manifest. He is the physical embodiment of God’s
    will and thought. God’s will and thought is expressed through His Word. Jesus, the human part, is the perfect,
    physical expression of God. Jesus, the human part that walked this earth, came to teach us the perfect will of God.
    How? He did this by example. This is why Jesus walked this earth perfectly without sinning.
    So Jesus taught us perfectly. He even was willing to die not only death, but the death He did not deserve since He
    never sinned against God the Father. He chose to give His life. That’s why Jesus says no man forces Him to lay down
    His life, He chose to lay it down, Jn 10:18. God wanted to save mankind. Jesus wants what the Father wants. The
    Word always obeys the will. He shed even His perfect, pure blood for us. His blood is the fulfillment of perfect
    obedience to the Father. Why? Because the Son asked 3 times in the Garden, "Take my cup not by my will but by
    yours." The Father said the Son still had to shed His blood on the cross. The Son obeyed the Father’s will over His
    own. So the blood was shed for that purpose. Nobody else had that kind of blood. Nobody else pleased the Father
    perfectly like the Son. So now instead of the law of Moses showing us the way to live rightly in God’s eyes, we have
    the Son. This is the New Covenant. In Jesus and His blood, we now obey Him instead of the Mosaic law as part of
    this new agreement between man and God. So as man wants to live rightly to please His Creator, man now must
    turn to the Word of the Creator. So obeying the perfect teachings of Jesus brings us to how God wants us to live.
    The Son conquered the grave. The grave is the end of all who sin. The grave is the payment for sin. Satan founded
    the grave. How? Because Satan started death by being the first to sin against Almighty God. Jesus destroyed Satan’s
    creation and fulfills the very first prophecy spoken of the Savior in Genesis 3:15. That’s why Jesus came to
    "…destroy the works of the devil," 1 Jn 3:8. Satan came to ruin God’s Creation with sin. Jesus came to ruin Satan’s
    creation, death, with perfect obedience, which His blood shed proves. That’s why in His blood, there is life. So the
    Gospel is God’s reconciliation with man. How? Only through the Son. If you disobey the Son, you disobey the
    Father. Jesus says, “He who has seen me has seen the Father,” Jn 14:9. Repent and accept Jesus as Your Lord NOW!!!
    Then start to read the Gospels and obey His commands. Follow Jesus only, no other man, no religion. Only Jesus.
    Joseph, Servant of God Sent by Christ to evangelize the whole world
    http://www.clevelandstreetpreachers.com YOUTUBE CLEVELAND STREET PREACHERS..

  2. Rogent X on August 25, 2022 at 12:50 pm

    While I am a fan of JG and the show, I appreciate his engery and enthusiasm but, he does get bit loud and annoying at times. I always considered this show as a spin off/extension of destination truth. (I miss Ryder and Jamal, but glad Evan still there)

  3. Jaflong Shylet on August 25, 2022 at 12:54 pm

    Please send me email

  4. N Peace on August 25, 2022 at 12:55 pm

    I lived in Sebasitan and there are a couple of treasure museums there. I know a guy who dove the wrecks with Cain Fisher, Mel Fisher’s son. Mel found the fleet. My friend has some awesome Spanish coins.

  5. Speckled Jim on August 25, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    In any of this guys "documentaries" whether it’s a search for bigfoot or alien encounters, there is never any actual evidence. He narrates, if you can call it that, in a very annoying and sensationalist way, always seeming to be on the verge of finding something but never EVER does. The guy is a fraud.

  6. lolastephens404 on August 25, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    Wow!!! REALLY? This is unbelievably lame.

  7. Richard Glen on August 25, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    I think I gonna watch the grass grow its more exciting

  8. Jimmy Britt on August 25, 2022 at 12:56 pm

    " those used to be called mailbox "

  9. Super Gremlin on August 25, 2022 at 12:57 pm

    Y’all get out my backyard please!

  10. Isabelle Alonso on August 25, 2022 at 12:59 pm


  11. William R on August 25, 2022 at 12:59 pm


  12. babyrazor on August 25, 2022 at 1:00 pm

    Treasure hunting in Florida? Here ya go page 79 of Francis Parkmans "Pioneers of France in the New World" 1865 "During the winter, Indians from the neighborhood of cape Canaveral brought to the fort two Spaniards, wrecked fifteen years before (1550) on the southwestern extremity of the peninsula." "They told of the King of Calos, on whose domains they had been wrecked, a chief mighty in stature and in power. In one of his villages was a pit, six feet deep and as wide as a hogshead, filled with the treasure gathered from Spanish wrecks on adjacent reefs and keys." Good Hunting!

  13. phil on August 25, 2022 at 1:01 pm

    the pin at 8 min was probably attached to the gunwale . wood so big had to be that . also that was where a lot of rigging was run through .

  14. OldSilver Drew on August 25, 2022 at 1:03 pm

    Just another show about finding treasure and they don’t find any. OH MY GOD, IS THAT WOOD!

  15. Isabelle Alonso on August 25, 2022 at 1:03 pm


  16. Dave Eagle on August 25, 2022 at 1:03 pm

    Read the book: Dowsed Treasure Locations Around The World by Aquila Chrysaetos. Chapter 23 is all about the lost Spanish Fleet lost in 1553-4 . Twenty ships full of treasure were lost in a great hurricane. The GPS locations of some of these wrecks are given off Corpus Christi! At least two of the wrecks are now part of a sand split awaiting recovery. I bought my copy off amazon.

  17. A A on August 25, 2022 at 1:04 pm

    Based on buildings in the background I was able to pin point the location. I know exactly where this is.

  18. Bill Prosser 1967mustang on August 25, 2022 at 1:04 pm

    Good job,josh

  19. roscoe on August 25, 2022 at 1:04 pm

    Title: “fat guy yells at wood underwater”

  20. P R on August 25, 2022 at 1:05 pm

    Not finanical advice, $SFRX.

  21. Keith Stringer on August 25, 2022 at 1:06 pm

    All these shows are like this. Picked over history for dummies.

  22. Fra Rfc Lin on August 25, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    0.11 seen it’s josh.
    Nah he never found anything 🤣

  23. derek Rohan on August 25, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    Bro why are you yelling in that mask.. other guy is talking normally. Host is literally yelling.. so annoying

  24. Karen Bressler on August 25, 2022 at 1:08 pm

    I have to tell you past life regression is a lie from the devil. I just saw your episode on it on tv and have to tell you

  25. Michael Parson on August 25, 2022 at 1:10 pm

    On this episode of Kermit goes Scooba diving: "ooh! Is that wood?!"

  26. scrwbl8 on August 25, 2022 at 1:10 pm

    wow, this is not scripted at all.

  27. Koy Koy on August 25, 2022 at 1:11 pm

    These dudes pronounce CONCEPCION as *Con-sep-siyown* when it should be *Con-sep-shon*

  28. Kalinin Dippy on August 25, 2022 at 1:12 pm

    Guy with the mic under water… quit screaming it doesn’t make me excited it makes me annoyed.

  29. Rain Man on August 25, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    was that a lil girl screaming….we can see what is happening after they turn on the props and we can see the piece of wood being revealed….you think the man saw a great white the way he was screaming…perhaps he has never seen " boat wash " before….how much did he pay for access for this adventure…

  30. Keith Stringer on August 25, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    You know what is interesting is that if you find sunken treasure, whatever country was transporting it suddenly claims they still own and take it away from you without paying you anything. Amazing considering that nation stole it from the indigenous Indians and the Indians are not “recognized as a country” therefore they cannot make a claim to get it back!

  31. Archie Outdoors on August 25, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    Is there a follow up to this?

  32. Buck Buck on August 25, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    Did anyone hear that?!! I think iv see something!!

  33. Larry W on August 25, 2022 at 1:19 pm

    When you find treasure YOU SAY NOTHING!!! Take most of it and secretly sell it off! You get a bunch of treasure the governments that be will be on top of you quicker than flies on poop!

  34. Cristian Montes De Oca on August 25, 2022 at 1:21 pm

    God bless yal✝️✝️✝️✝️❤️❤️❤️

  35. Brent Lowry on August 25, 2022 at 1:22 pm

    Good luck guys, keep us posted

  36. Jaflong Shylet on August 25, 2022 at 1:23 pm


  37. bosanpisan on August 25, 2022 at 1:23 pm

    Aaah, My Gold, My Gold coins. They’re mine

  38. Blame USA on August 25, 2022 at 1:23 pm

    Imagine working for discovery channel and asking "is that wood?"

  39. Michael Allen on August 25, 2022 at 1:23 pm

    What’s the latest with this. Saw a video that has Florida State officials dredging in the area and putting spoils on beach where some artifacts were found.

  40. violinmaestro knight on August 25, 2022 at 1:24 pm

    Imagine how people were 5,000 years ago without God’s True Book. How would they have known how they were
    supposed to live? How would they have known how they were supposed to be in order to please their Creator? So
    God gave the law of Moses back then. This law was for the people to know how to be. They saw what God expected
    out of them. God had high expectations from the Israelites. Why shouldn’t He? Should He drop His expectations for
    love and grace? If He drops His expectations to accommodate what man wants, then He compromised His
    perfection for man’s imperfection. Does a Perfect God compromise His perfection?
    So God has expectations once He tells His creation how He wants things. His love and grace gives His creation time
    to change. He is willing to help them change if they ask Him. Then His creation, while repenting or changing to do
    His will, see His Beauty. This is a relationship formed now with the Creator. If He is the Most Beautiful Being, which
    He is, how can His creation not want to obey Him? How can His creation not want to please Him? The reason why is
    because of foolishness. Man loves his own foolishness rather than God’s wisdom, Jn 3:19. Man loves his sin. If
    anyone loves himself, he will stay in sin. So man who stays in sin rejects his perfect Creator or Father, and
    exchanges it for his own foolishness.
    So now fast forward to today where we have God’s True Book. We officially know what God wants. God gave His
    creation a big help, the Word, to show us how He wants us to live. If we follow His perfect teachings, we all live
    with perfect peace, love, joy and unity. This is His perfect design for His children’s lives. When we go against His
    perfect design for what we want, sin, we throw away that perfect plan. We throw away that perfect peace, love, joy
    and unity. Giving up these things is foolish. So sinning against God proves to be the worst plan for us!
    God wanted to help mankind. God wanted to save man from his foolishness. He wanted to help us the best way
    possible because He is Good. The best and only way to do it, as God saw fit, was to give mankind His Son. Why? The
    Son is the Word, Jn 1:1. The Word always obeys the Father’s will. The Father’s will is spoken through His Word.
    The Word proceeds forth from the Father’s will and mind. So the Word that God speaks is the pure sequel to what
    was inside the Father’s mind and heart. Jesus is that perfection manifest. He is the physical embodiment of God’s
    will and thought. God’s will and thought is expressed through His Word. Jesus, the human part, is the perfect,
    physical expression of God. Jesus, the human part that walked this earth, came to teach us the perfect will of God.
    How? He did this by example. This is why Jesus walked this earth perfectly without sinning.
    So Jesus taught us perfectly. He even was willing to die not only death, but the death He did not deserve since He
    never sinned against God the Father. He chose to give His life. That’s why Jesus says no man forces Him to lay down
    His life, He chose to lay it down, Jn 10:18. God wanted to save mankind. Jesus wants what the Father wants. The
    Word always obeys the will. He shed even His perfect, pure blood for us. His blood is the fulfillment of perfect
    obedience to the Father. Why? Because the Son asked 3 times in the Garden, "Take my cup not by my will but by
    yours." The Father said the Son still had to shed His blood on the cross. The Son obeyed the Father’s will over His
    own. So the blood was shed for that purpose. Nobody else had that kind of blood. Nobody else pleased the Father
    perfectly like the Son. So now instead of the law of Moses showing us the way to live rightly in God’s eyes, we have
    the Son. This is the New Covenant. In Jesus and His blood, we now obey Him instead of the Mosaic law as part of
    this new agreement between man and God. So as man wants to live rightly to please His Creator, man now must
    turn to the Word of the Creator. So obeying the perfect teachings of Jesus brings us to how God wants us to live.
    The Son conquered the grave. The grave is the end of all who sin. The grave is the payment for sin. Satan founded
    the grave. How? Because Satan started death by being the first to sin against Almighty God. Jesus destroyed Satan’s
    creation and fulfills the very first prophecy spoken of the Savior in Genesis 3:15. That’s why Jesus came to
    "…destroy the works of the devil," 1 Jn 3:8. Satan came to ruin God’s Creation with sin. Jesus came to ruin Satan’s
    creation, death, with perfect obedience, which His blood shed proves. That’s why in His blood, there is life. So the
    Gospel is God’s reconciliation with man. How? Only through the Son. If you disobey the Son, you disobey the
    Father. Jesus says, “He who has seen me has seen the Father,” Jn 14:9. Repent and accept Jesus as Your Lord NOW!!!
    Then start to read the Gospels and obey His commands. Follow Jesus only, no other man, no religion. Only Jesus.
    Joseph, Servant of God Sent by Christ to evangelize the whole world
    http://www.clevelandstreetpreachers.com YOUTUBE CLEVELAND STREET PREACHERS..

  41. secretsquirrel726 on August 25, 2022 at 1:27 pm

    Good job.

  42. RusticMechanic on August 25, 2022 at 1:28 pm

    I love Expedition Unknown! But for an archaeologist he should know that you never name a wreck until you find the name at the site ie. bell or placard

  43. Blame USA on August 25, 2022 at 1:33 pm

    Discovery propaganda. Stopped making good stuff in 2004

  44. Bobcatwill 1234 on August 25, 2022 at 1:38 pm

    How is this guy always where cool stuff it

  45. Thomas Schwab on August 25, 2022 at 1:40 pm


  46. stefan sykora on August 25, 2022 at 1:40 pm

    what a surprise see this movie yeas I’M the guy who research,dove here,bring here Mel fisher son and later Doug with his excellent boat Amalia,but???Will take very smart guy to find this ship " Captain General Don Antonio de Echeverz y Zubiza said :Admiranta of Echeverz’s fleet, the Nuestra Senora del Rosario y San Francisco Xavier or Rosario.
    … when he was explaining in Spain, why he lost the King treasure"first he try anchor in 12 brazes of water,cables didn’t hold, 3 am run a ground ruder hit,haul hit 3×4 and stop about 3-4 brazas of water,we left to the beach. Ship role to starboard side,and two tree hours I look and where is my ship??? Newer being seen again.I’M to old but my opinion by lots of facts is still very good possibilities of location impact position…wish you luck.

  47. dieselbiggins on August 25, 2022 at 1:41 pm

    Sweet Jesus you Americans are terrible at making documentaries 🤦

  48. Daniel Burgess on August 25, 2022 at 1:42 pm

    "It belongs in a museum."

  49. Olibia vazquez on August 25, 2022 at 1:43 pm

    The ships never sank . that’s what they want you to think

  50. Tushar kumar on August 25, 2022 at 1:44 pm

    Om.786 .⛪

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