About the Forrest Fenn hidden treasure chest

About the Forrest Fenn hidden treasure chest

1: The treasure chest has been found. Images of the recovered chest have been posted in many places on the Internet.

1a: The person who found it, article written by Daniel Barbarisi: https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/exploration-survival/forrest-fenn-treasure-jack-stuef/

1b: Daniel Barbarisi’s book “Chasing The Thrill:” https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Thrill-Obsession-Americas-Extraordinary/dp/0525656170

1c: http://www.danielbarbarisi.com/

1d: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenn_treasure

1e: Stephanie Thirtyacre sued Barbarisi, asserting that Barbarisi “ruined her reputation.” In reality, Ms. Thirtyacre ruined her reputation, and I grieve for her sake. She was cautioned several times, by myself and others, to reign in her self-injurious behavior.

1f: https://nypost.com/2022/05/14/forest-fenn-treasure-hunter-claims-author-barbarisi-ruined-her-reputation/

2: The items from the treasure chest were auctioned away a piece at a time:

2a: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/forrest-fenn-treasure-auction-180981183/

3: Only two people, as far as I know, know where the treasure was hidden: the finder, and a United States Parks and Recreation park ranger named Sarah Davis.

3a: After the treasure had been found, Forrest Fenn wanted advice from a Parks ranger regarding the disclosure of the location of where the treasure chest had been placed. It was concluded that the location is too biologically sensitive to be turned into a tourist attraction.

4: An asshole named Terry Coombs sued Forrest Fenn’s estate, asserting fraud, and named the singer Taylor Swift as one of the defendants.

4a: https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/man-refiles-dismissed-lawsuit-over-fenn-treasure/article_c832114e-7a1f-11ec-b434-2f4d05a54e15.html

5: Another asshole named Jamie McCracken sued Forrest Fenn’s estate, alleging that every time he, Jamie McCracken, came close to the treasure, Forrest Fenn moved it.

6: Many people insist they know where the treasure chess was placed, and they have picked a spot in Yellowstone National Park based on images posted by the person who found the treasure chest. They are, of course, almost certainly wrong.

7: Ten months before Forrest died, he asked me to visit him, perhaps as a “final visit.” I asked Forrest what he most regretted about his life, and he said that he had rather have been an artist working wrought iron and bronze.


  1. P. Patrick Tukkers on May 15, 2023 at 7:27 am

    Well hi there, always good to see you…
    Then I know you’re alive and kicking. 🙂
    Let me give this a like, a comment for the Algoritm and run the video in the background.
    …I’ll watch this after I had a bit of sleep.

  2. Tommy Litz on May 15, 2023 at 7:30 am

    Heritage, not Christies

  3. Smokin Joe on May 15, 2023 at 7:31 am

    bill gorman solved the hunt in 2017. do some research.

  4. G on May 15, 2023 at 7:32 am

    He was an artist , he worked in rock and shadow

  5. WyMustIGo on May 15, 2023 at 7:32 am

    Great video, Desertphile. I agree with just about all of it, especially the lawsuit garbage!
    Great to see you’re alive and kicking.

  6. Roobitz on May 15, 2023 at 7:33 am

    That’s so interesting to hear that you knew him personally. I remember hearing the story of the treasure hunt years ago and was surprised to hear that the treasure had been found when I randomly decided to look into it again many years later. Predictable that the promise of riches would attract some interesting and unsavory characters though. Hope you’re doing well.

  7. FenLander93 on May 15, 2023 at 7:33 am

    How are you so sure FBF is deceased ?……I strongly suspect (or perhaps even know !) he lives & is very likely posting on THOR, for example.
    If I’m correct, then he still controls the strange end presented to us ‘chasers’

  8. Davi B on May 15, 2023 at 7:34 am

    300 thousand people can’t find it once.
    But McCraken claims to of found it 4 times. That is funny stuff….

  9. Alphqwe on May 15, 2023 at 7:34 am

    They remind me of the lottery players.

  10. AngryNotSoOldHippy on May 15, 2023 at 7:35 am

    Sitting Bull’s pipe — I had thought that that had been returned, I had no idea that Fenn some how has it.

  11. Glen Collins on May 15, 2023 at 7:37 am

    There are some interesting people around.

  12. deepinthewood on May 15, 2023 at 7:39 am

    How about Hanson, Andersen, Sandau and everyone else who either filed suit or intervened at some point or another Desertphile, what is your expert take on all of that because you can’t leave all the facts out and just bash on a few when you have so many left yet to bash on. So are you saying that you know the truth yourself and can back it all up, and if so please share it with the rest of us as you’re an old timer in the chase and were seemingly one of the first in the game, not to mention you seem to know Forrest Fenn and his intentions best.

  13. jeepgirljody on May 15, 2023 at 7:45 am

    I’ll never stop looking for treasures – there are still some out there! Don’t forget about his jars and bells – someday someone will find one and we will all be here. Great videos – thank you it was entertaining to listen too this morning with my coffee.

  14. mobiltec on May 15, 2023 at 7:45 am

    It’s a good thing the treasure was found before the floods in Yellowstone happened. My grand mother always said to me, "Don’t live a life of regrets"… She was a wise woman.

  15. AngryNotSoOldHippy on May 15, 2023 at 7:47 am

    There are thousands of people who think that it still exists, that it has not been found and yes, they are still looking for it from time to time. They are the conspiracy believers who think that *anything* and *everything* is a conspiracy. I get emails from time to time also, and messages on Facebook asking for people’s "solutions" to the clues and proclaiming that they’re looking for it. Tell them it has been found and they cry "you lie!" in various tones of refusal.

  16. WarblesOnALot on May 15, 2023 at 7:47 am


    Yikes !

    I didn’t hear that it had been found, let alone
    Auctioned at

    the concept that the
    Fenn Treasure Seekers
    So relish the
    Thrill of the Hunt as to
    Now be arrayed as an

    Forever doomed to seek
    Hither and yonder
    Chasing after a
    Figment of their own
    Delusionally fevered


    And the Lawsuits are insane.

    I love it.

    Thanks for keeping us informed of this.

    Have a good one…

    Stay safe.


    Ciao !


    15 minuets latter…

    Far out !

    If I was ever aware that you and Forrest Fenn were known to each other – then it had slipped my mind ; I certainly had no idea that you were THAT close to the man who so famously stashed the Treasure…, an invitation to visit him on his deathbed puts you in the Inner Circle indeed…

    I’m glad you told the story of the Tobacco Pipe which he never repatriated…, coming as it did – right on the heels of my reaction to the story if the Warehouse full of immaculate Forgeries, bought as a job lot because they were known to be Forgeries ; then selling them off for 50 or a hundred times what each one cost him – with a Certificate AUTHENTICATING it as being an actually immaculate Forgery – from a Master Art Forger…

    Just(ifiably ?) as I was pondering the phenomenon that he’d become filthy rich without having lied, cheated, stolen, or hurt anybody or anything…, and without even inheriting great Wealth ; as I was musing the possibility of someone wheeling & dealing fairly & squarely in the open market, and finishing up filthy rich therefrom – WITHOUT their being some kind of secretly super-selfish hyper-aware Harvest Everything-ist, at heart.

    And then you tell us of the apparent Tribal Relic which he bought, on the understanding that it was to be returned to the Tribe, and he died in possession of the Relic 28 years after the stipulated Hand-Back date…

    So…, he started out honest and smart, and that made him wealthy…, Yes ?
    And when he died he had given away great wealth and riches – but he still had the Tribal Relic…, maybe because he couldn’t bear to give it away (?)…; yes ?

    It’s a Statistical Universe of One, but my speculation is that being Rich apparently taught him to value Covetousness and Possessiveness greater than he used to value the
    Honesty –
    By way of which
    He originally became rich… (!).

    As you said, it’s a pity he didn’t honour the Promise to return the Artifact.

    If he bought the Artifact and he knew of the Promise that it be returned in 1995 – then he bought the responsibility to KEEP that Promise.

    Forrest Fenn’s Shade may well be facing a Hearing of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee of the Council of Elders among the Shades of the Ancestors of the People to whom that Promise was made.

    It is said
    One should
    Farm as if one will live for a
    Years…; and
    CARE FOR the

    Meanwhile one should live as if
    Every day will be one’s
    Last Day
    So do nothing of which to be
    Should one
    Wake up to be
    Dead in the morning…
    And thus have no time to
    Make any amends for having been such a

    It’s a pity
    That he
    Return that there

    Such was his

    Such is life,

    Have a good one…

    (And, my condolences on losing a friend to the Grim Reaper…).


    Ciao !

  17. Dog Walker on May 15, 2023 at 7:50 am

    This is hilarious and extreamly sad at the same time.

  18. Kiwis Road on May 15, 2023 at 7:51 am

    Stop and smell the world, then press on for a search in a treasure of memories

  19. deepinthewood on May 15, 2023 at 7:53 am

    Sitting Bull’s purported peace pipe wasn’t auctioned by Christie’s it was in fact auctioned by Hindman Auctions. Forrest Fenn had stated on a number of occasions over the years that the pipe was valued at over $1.1 million, you said here that you thought it would go for around $500,000, yet it didn’t even go for $180,000 as you’d erroneously stated in your video, it instead had sold at auction for only $125,000. The actual and provable facts are what is most important in all of this in the end, not conjecture, personal opinions, bruised egos and so on and so forth, wouldn’t you tend to agree. Perhaps you should have put Forrest Fenn on the spot about why he hadn’t helped return this alleged sacred pipe to its rightful place in time and history when you had the chance, or is questioning and or bashing on certain people you’ve personally deemed worthy of it just a one-way street here.

  20. Rooster Cockburn on May 15, 2023 at 7:54 am

    Nice. Thanks you

  21. BB on May 15, 2023 at 7:57 am

    What is so fishy to people if there is so much evidence then?

    "As each day passes I now totally agree that there is more than one chest and the real one was not found yet."

    WYMUSTIGO around 3pm 1/2/2023

  22. Granite Granny on May 15, 2023 at 8:00 am

    You don’t really believe this stuff do you, David? If you do, you’re a @&$@& fool. Just think about the name. McCracken. Somebody who is cracking is crazy. The whole thing was a fucking staged event. And you are incredibly GULLIBLE to believe any of it. Who benefited from the lawsuit? The estate did. You don’t think he was paid to do that stunt?

  23. xPumaFangx on May 15, 2023 at 8:02 am

    I heard a rumor that he hid 20 more boxes full of gold coins.

    Trust me I am not an expert.

  24. Pierced From Within on May 15, 2023 at 8:03 am

    The man the myth

  25. Galaxy on May 15, 2023 at 8:04 am

    Fenn cast bronze for a living! So what if the one found is just a replica he cast after he survived cancer?

  26. FishHeadSalad on May 15, 2023 at 8:08 am

    I remember my quest for Uree’s gold. All I found was a boring James Fonda movie. Then I looked for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre only to find another even older boring movie.
    I think that phrase you quoted sums it up best. "Chasing the Thrill" Very, very, very rarely do folks chasing treasures ever find one short of Mel Fisher finding the Atocha. What is worse is when folks still chase treasures that have already been found. What is even worse are the dumb asses out there chasing myths with dollar signs attached. I suppose there are still idiots out there looking for the golden city of El Dorado!
    Sitting Bull’s pipe is much more likely to be authentic than religious relics like the shroud, a piece of Jesus’s cross, a slab of wood from Noah’s ark, or the holy grail itself being real. Yet the claims are made. When it comes to relics, they are hard if not almost impossible to prove. Some are just right out silly.

  27. Old Shiloh on May 15, 2023 at 8:09 am

    stephanie and mindy deserve what they earned by falsely accusing f of crazy things.

  28. ravenslaves on May 15, 2023 at 8:12 am

    Forrest Fenn played a deep prank with the treasure. There were TWO treasures hidden, and the one found was the small one. So the large treasure is still out there, cleverly hidden in the yard of a prominent, national, life long politician. There’s no clue as to which party the politician belongs to. But supposedly, it’s a politician thats been in Washington DC for decades now. There’s also no clue given as to where in the yard it was hidden. So a patio or a pool may have been built over it or close to it. Flower beds would be my guess. But the only way for sure of finding it would be lots of excavations. I would never suggest that people go about tearing up the yards of hack politicians, to search for a huge treasure. Because that would be wrong. Especially over a "rumor". Of course Forrest Fenn’s treasure was just a "rumor" at one point also. Just like the giant panda and the mountain gorilla we’re once "rumors".
    And just think of all the pure chaos, and disruption to their lives, that a "rumor" of a massive treasure, buried in their yard, would cause.
    That’s why I’m not suggesting anything. Nope, not me.

  29. FenLander93 on May 15, 2023 at 8:14 am

    I think I heard you suggest StephT was suing the estate in her recent case…..this is NOT the case. David, you’re sounding a touch behind the 8-ball
    re the f TH……why have you returned to it at this late stage ?

  30. FenLander93 on May 15, 2023 at 8:19 am

    Jamie McCracken case was ALL fake…….f/Chase Inc. entertainment for the masses ! (& potentially some money laundering/transfer to the estate).

  31. David Piasano on May 15, 2023 at 8:20 am

    good to see you. The auction company was Hindman not christies.

  32. CATBIRD on May 15, 2023 at 8:22 am

    They can have Forrest Fenn’s treasure. I’m more interested in the coins that some misanthrope left near Foshay Pass, or that Isis statue that’s out in the Mojave somewhere. If I have any trouble finding them, I’ll imagine he moved them knowing I was getting close, and I’ll be sure to sue his estate for one of his sweet hats.

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