Amazing Ancient Boneyard Discovery in Alaska #history #shorts #boneyard
Amazing Ancient Boneyard Discovery in Alaska #history #shorts #boneyard
Have you heard about this amazing discovery in Alaska? #history #ancient #discovery
Amazing Ancient Boneyard Discovery in Alaska #history #shorts #boneyard
Have you heard about this amazing discovery in Alaska? #history #ancient #discovery
Moral of this story is NEVER tell the government or universities about archeological finds of any kind. If it exposes the official narrative lies, the FBI is sent in to cordon off the site, then the find is hidden under tarps and disappears into the Smithsonian Institute’s tunnels underneath it, just like the Vatican has!
Butchers’ shop and the saw was invented 5000 years ago??
Where can I see the rest of this interview?
😤How dare they take advantage of that man especially at a university of all things! There are already too many thieves in this world the last thing we need is some University teaching the youth of this nation that it is okay to steal!!!
How much we betting most these animals were murdered and dumped ther, its strangely unusual to have that ammount of bones in one spot
The dates will be horrifically wrong and politically motivated.
Smithsonian must have dumped them there. Usually it’s out to sea…
We lived with these animals.
Pure speculation
If any museum or university refuses to give stuff back or even sells it off, then the owner should sue to the highest court they can, and sue for as much as he can
That’s the way it is if you want it there’s nothing anyone can do if you take it
They illegally took it.
Get to do whatever they want with it. But you have to get it back the legal way ?
😂 That’s why I support the 2nd Amendment and the NRA.
Colleges are a den of thieves anyway. That’s what higher education is all about. How to be a successful criminal and not be prosecuted for it. You can become president and then money launder day after day. And you will be rewarded for it by the socialist left.
Meat processing facility and the bones were discarded in the same place over decades
ancient people: we just hit dis
Clearly the questions haven’t been answered yet. Regardless if theology or your experts provided you answers, as it turns out you’re just like everyone else from all of history. Your experts are ignorant and you claim their intellect as though it were yours
so these animals were practicing surgery…interesting
ONLY GIVE MUSEUMS PICTURES OR COPIES!!!They steal and alter history
It’s obvious we have no idea what happened in the past
Someone else was a hunter and a collector.perhaps a scientist of his day.
Come het us the Natives we will walk up with rifles boy. Give all the things back to this owner. Always trying toget over. Dam university.
Shoulda kept his mouth shut and just auctioned it off.
Probably from humans eating them and tossing their bones
Communist universities
11,600 years ago human life changed forever.
Fossils of palm trees have been found in Alaska.
Proving that our planet was much, much hotter in the past.
Thats a saw cut for sure
Ask the natives up there chances are good they still use these cutting techniques more than likely it’s a pounded sinew cord dipped in glue and quartz sand ,when dried it’ll cut right thru anything natural even most stones
I have a theory… I don’t believe anything they find is nearly as old as they claim. A few thousand years maybe but nothing six figures old.
Despite decades of denial, time and time again biblical account of human history is disCovered non stop.
imagine that you find bones in the ground when you dig
I live in Fairbanks. EveMining. ive been to has bones that they dug up while mining. They normally keep it quiet because of the miners paranoia of government. The universities will rob you blind if the think you’ve got something on your mine. They use their archeological credentials to loot your tusks because they’re worth alot of money.
Short faced bear?
Noah’s flood, read the Bible, it has all the answers
It’s called the great flood. They find boneyards everywhere in the world. How does this guy have 40 million dollars?
Russians have been "mining" Mammoth tusks out of river banks for years and selling them for ivory.
Leftist universites stealing his stuff… As they always have
And Smithsonian
Evolution is a lie.
Don’t give any discovery to the Smithsonian to be studied, you”ll never see it again.
Clip taken from JRE #2051 w/ Graham Hancock.
Pictures taken from theboneyardalaska Instagram page!
The north slope of the brooks range is littered with these bones. All are buried beneath the permafrost which melts a little some years when temperatures get high enough.
An Asteroid is on its way and at some point everything people believe in and built will be destroyed and a reset will happen. Its just a matter of time in the future
Have they found any bones from honest politicians?
The authorities have never told us the truth about anything in the past. They are hiding it to keep control. Everyone is capable of doing research, and the truth is slowly coming out, but because of pride, many won’t receive it because they’re embarrassed at being duped.
Although I can appreciate your podcast your views on Trump show me your character
Noah’s Float?😮 There’s was no winter before the great Float
"Guys"!! "Listen up"!! "We are no longer digging for gold"! "Leave that yeller stuff for those bud light drinkers "! "We’re in the bone business now"! "It pays bette"! 🤣🤣😏🤌
Yes prehistoric man hunted large red blooded mammals to survive. Not possible to exist on fish, birds or small mammals not nutrient dense enough. During the late 1800s there were two European naturalists who couldn’t understand how the Aleutian islands was home to tens of thousands of people. They thought they were eating fish when in fact they were hunting seals and other large mammals in the area. They themselves lived on what the natives were eating and thrived.