America Unearthed: Lost Tribe Discovered in Hawaii (S2, E6) | Full Episode | History
America Unearthed: Lost Tribe Discovered in Hawaii (S2, E6) | Full Episode | History
Join Lawrence Fishburne as he uncovers the truth behind the strangest mysteries of all time in History’s Greatest Mysteries: Solved –
America’s 50th state has a “little” mystery that’s persisted since ancient times; did an ancient race of tiny people called Menehune exist? Scott Wolter can’t resist weighing in on the possibility, in Season 2, Episode 6, “Lost Tribe of Menehune.” #AmericaUnearthed
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In “America Unearthed,” host Scott Wolter uses hard science and intuitive theories to explain the most mysterious artifacts and sites in America.
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A Learning Vacation! Love it! So neat to see a family involved in the research.
The History channel has a series telling us that the history that was taught was wrong… As they tell us history
Study the Paracus Skulls in Peru… GIants were EVERYWHERE on the Earth… Genesis 6 tells us right away.
They’re not hobbits or elves.. their menehune… smh.. stop disrespecting them
We will know all the truth soon.
Have no idea what the open scene of the lady has to do with this episode.
Native Americans have stories of little people as well.
there are legends in New Zeeland of the little people who only came out at night to fish
Remember the Man in Indonesia that went to Explore the Islands & was Arrested for Cannibalism when he had filmed these Lil People Eating his Friend in the Grave! He was Sentenced to Life for That & the Film wasn’t found Till after he Died!!!
phony history for no real reason, why? must be the taliban. do not watch this.
Ok . people from Indonesia skull found on Hawaii . all your guys is righ the skull is 12000 years or more theme. The possibility of 30.000 years come more closer that in the earth the levels of water is very lower than today. The stone construction put tha possibilities more closer . cos think this 700 pounds caring minimum for 7 miles you going to need lot of people for it . another the civilization found on florida usa comfirm the possibility of lower water and the frizzy era in europa push the civilization to emigrations to usa. They use mamots. Like a heavy equipment is not stranger found the mamots on the sames of humans emigrations looking for vegetation.
They remind me of the same gods who built the earth. They also had a lower class race the Gigi & before we where fashioned they served the gods & they also like the dark
Don’t let the kids get propagandized
Growing up on Maui , my surfboard shaper , Wayne, lived up Honolua Canyon in the Country. On night he drove up his dirt road driveway. Tree covered. Got out of his truck happened to look up in the tree only to see a Menehune looking down at him.
He doesn’t make up stories.
This was in the 70s . I asked him recently and he still describe same exact story.
Classic history channel masonic lamebrains. The Indonesian fossils are hanuman’s soldiers. Totally different from Menehune. Think of Menehune as the pacific dwarves.
There’s a Census count from early 20th Century where the family members were counted and at the end was a notation of a menehune who lived there.
Soooo close. Nualolo aina is where you should have been
. Even the Hieau complex at Wailua is more impressive than Kikiaola.
Evidence of Mu (menehune) can be found island wide if you know what to look for.
True Story – moved to kailua/Kaneohe area of Maunawili (rainforested area on the Windward side of Oahu) in August 2002. We rented an island style house. We lived there a total of 2 weeks. Started out my oldest teen daughter told me she felt someone was watching her at night. The windows in the house were glass louvre type, & no air conditioning, so windows were open all the time. Next my youngest daughter became extremely ill & was hospitalized. Then this is what I saw in a dream. In the dream, I woke up in my bedroom & there was this little dark skinned hairy 3 ft tall imp with sharp teeth next to my bed telling me to leave. I woke up out of the dream, turned on the lamp next to my bed ~ nothing ~ went back to sleep, again I dreamt that I’m in my bedroom, everything is just like being awake, again, the little guy bears his teeth at me & again tells me to leave. I laughed at him, he then took a wooden club & smacked me in the head with it. I woke up instantly turned on the light ~ it actually felt like something did hit me in the head (no pain, just sensation). I knew that this wasn’t just a dream, but something supernatural. Literally, left the next day, luckily the landlord let me out of the lease. True story
While on vacation…with a production team and camera crew. I am not sure he actually listens to the legends. The lady said thousands of them and she said it was quarried 7 miles away. Scott Wolter did not go check those other rocks, and if they were of the same lava flow then they would be the same basalt. What he did not say was that the Menehune used the basalt there as a retaining wall until the actual wall was built. They did that at Baalbek and other Roman sites.
So he was saying it was impossible because they were little people? And little people could not travel? Someone needs to explain to Scott Wolter there are many ways of doing something. Let me share..
Let’s say 3,000 Menehune. Those Menehune are grouped together like 100s. So that would be thirty groups of a hundred. The legend does not say it was quarried in that night, merely that it was built that night. And it does not exclude normal size people helping them. As that goes, even normal size people could have brought the Menehune there and dropped them off.
It would make sense that if there had been a primitive road there, they could line up the rocks in mile stretches and they would not have to go back seven miles to get one rock. Geesh, how was the Great Wall of China built on the side of mountains? How did they build the outer wall without hanging over the side? I will say maybe someone else made the wall structure and the Menehune finished it off in one night.
I think that because he did not go check those other rocks and then implied he assumed they could not be quarried from there, is simply bad science. The same lava flow would produce the same rocks. Simple. I am not sure about this man’s credentials.
Fabulous episode. Thoroughly enjoyed this & will watch again.
What an amazing coincidence them kids came up to him and showed him that game right before he started filming an entire documentary about them.
So more than 23 feet of it eroded or disappeared in 200 years Since Cook’s visit?
It makes me think of the Pygmy people.
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Yeah, I go on vacation with a camera crew
Real archeological and historical research is forbidden in Hawaii so we’ll never know the truth about these islands.
It looks like everywhere on our planet there is a legend of giants and little people. I wonder if these legends are from our distant past when there was many humanoid species that are now extinct? That poor girl getting chase in the rain made me anxious!
I love those Hawaiian little people statues, I need some for my garden!
The house I was raised in was about a half mile away from the menehune fish pond.. one of the smaller fish ponds was on our property.. we used to see small blue orbs that would sort of pace the stream leading to the ponds.. I have probably seen a thousand different unexplainable phenomenon growing up In that house..
you wont find the answer by just looking at physical. so typical western…
The U.S. military used a cultural site for testing bombs… makes sense to me..
I like the movie scene at the beginning. I would like to see a whole movie of that.
I stopped watching after the multiple times he kept calling our cultural ancestors hobbits. The History Channel’s lack of cultural awareness and western lens was pretty offensive. Terrible!
The time line may be way off. That is they most likely lived more recently than they assume. There is much mankind have yet to learn and discover about our history, that current science is willing to accept.
If you check in thePhilippines, we have Aetas who still resides in the mountains and you will find a tribe of very short people. Lots of them died during the mount piñata o eruptions but can still find some tribes.
According to my own research, the Hawaiian populace (maka`ainana) consisted of two racial groups, the ali`i (who were indeed six or seven feet tall) and the menehune (the normal population). So when you say the "menehune" built this or that, they were speaking of the regular people. In the 1900 United States Census, several people (including one of my family ancestors) listed themselves as "menehune" by race. Read King Kalakaua’s "Myths and Legends of Hawaii" which he compiled in the late 1800s.
The researcher is probably still on these islands if he holds true to his word about not leaving until he finds the "truth". We have many myths of ancient Hawai`i, one of them is Pele. Of course, she’s a myth, but every kama`aina, including me, holds their breath while driving along a particular part of the Hamakua Coast.
Those midgets are all over Kauai…..the natives call them chickens
Since there are motorized vehicles on that Island, why did you have to swim ashore? How did your cameraman get there ahead of you, with his equipment?
one tourist attraction,2 four foot tall moving blocks hundred pounds . impossible.more likely a group of slaves called mennahue
Ruined it by having his family there. I understand that was how you justified paying for his family to go, but
I guess my question is if the menehuni were there, where was the womenehuni?? Seems lonely!! If he had to swim in to that island, who was in the boat filming him on the way?? Maybe the x was just a target for the bombings??

The wall : forged with the volcano and carried
Yoooo, tahitians were the menehunes in tahiti manahune means slave . There were put to work
I live in Hawaii born and raised also . I absolutely loved this video I always enjoy learning about my home land
Great job this is so cool Thanks for the information
Not sure what people do not understand about SCATTERED TO THE FOUR CORNERS. But religion has people "believing" khazar converts(white gentiles) in the man made up state of Israel(Israel a Chosen Bloodline not land mass) are the Chosen. People just believe in lies and deny truth. Pagan rome lives on Stronger than ancient days.
What was Elvis Presley’s reason for doing a movie in Hawaii? Goober who was Jim Neighbor he lived in Hawaii up till his death. Let’s learn more for why Jim Neighbors choose there. Was it because of privacy because his last known relationship he was married to a young man, that with marriage inherited all Jim Neighbors wealth. Did Mr. Neighbors own a pineapple farm in Hawaii?
This guy is way to quick to judgement. They were building a canal from the water source…. I have heard They simply floated the stone on rafts in the canal as they built it. Almost Every fricking Rock on the island in e vesicular basalt.