America's Dumbest Criminals steal Pirate Treasure

America's Dumbest Criminals steal Pirate Treasure

America’s dumbest criminals steal treasure from pirates and almost get away with it. On their way to freedom and riches when then they decide to stop off at the local tavern, treasure chest in tow. Things go downhill from there.

Byfield local youtube channel – Amesie’s Corner –

0:00 – Intro
0:20 – Stolen Treasure
1:20 – Time for Drinks
2:05 – Bury the Treasure
2:55 – Leading Theory
3:45 – New Locations

Music – The Colonel by Zachariah Hickman


Most People Don’t Know These 10 Treasures Are Hiding In Massachusetts


  1. Rocky mountain Prospector (Brad Haden) on January 31, 2023 at 10:39 am

    You doing ok have not seen any new videos just wanted to check on you love the treasure stories you tell hope all is well

  2. Tinytattoomike on January 31, 2023 at 10:59 am

    Been enjoying your channel I wish the stories where longer But man you have a lot of good ones 👍

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