Boneyard Alaska: Younger Dryas Impact Theory
Boneyard Alaska: Younger Dryas Impact Theory
Joe and John Reeves talk about the Younger Dryas Impact Theory!
From JRE 1918, With John Reeves
#jre #joerogan #jreclips #JRE_CLIPS #shorts #history #boneyardalaska #interesting
People constantly think that places like this were possibly an "elephant graveyard". I’ve seen 2 suggestions in these comments already. That’s actually a myth. There is no evidence that elephants seek out certain places to bury their dead. Legends of elephant graveyards are no different than the legend of El Dorado in the Americas. It’s a mythical treasure story basically that existed well before media existed but media like old movies and books spread the story to the rest of the world. I’m not even joking. You can not find a single reputable example of an elephant graveyard. The fact that Ivory has always been something that us humans see value in is what caused the elephant graveyard myth to arise. Elephant graveyards do not exist. It’s a myth, a fable, an old wives tale, a treasure hunters story. Nothing more. The only reason it exists in your mind is because you gained that knowledge secondhand from some form of media in the past. Most likely a movie, a book, etc. Also mammoths are not elephants.
That period was the great flood.Noah’s’s in the Bible 🙏🙏🙏🙏 it was a catastrophic event,very violent flood.lord felt bad about it.he promised he never to destroy the world with water.left us the rainbow 🌈 as his promise.
I have some bones myself so I can confirm he’s full of shit.
The Younger Dryas idea has real legs. All around the world it’s fingerprints are in the ground at the same depths. What Joe is not saying is earth goes through that asteroid belt twice a year, every year. The idea that the comet came from another direction has been on the table for a while now. Tell the entire story Joe.
Wiped tf out
Seems like people killed them and tried to burn the remains and claim the meteor caused it
All it takes to create coal is carbon and pressure. You can achieve that with lots of water and a bit of wood.
You can know the Obsidian was burned because there was a nether portal there.
Lol it’s bullshit. We have been dropped off by aliens after they killed all the dinosaurs.
Tf are they even talkin abt
Once apond a time the earth was a paradise but after the first sin n then fallen angels noticed how beautiful the women we’re materialized into human form had relationships with earthly women creating a species of giant humans that were very evil the world became so corrupt the creator had no choice but to flood the earth n after the flood he made promise with the rainbow to never flood the earth again good book talks about a race of giants. U look down into the Grand canyon u see after thousands of years as the waters receded u see the different sediment layer by layer. They even found while drilling for oil in Alaska they hit something hard did a core sample only to learn it was a petrified palm tree
Really, charcoal on the granite? Must be aliens. Couldn’t be a natural fire. Knuckleheads.
Joe quoting Graham Hancock again… 🙄
You ever hear of an elephant graveyard? Not that surprising.
reset civilization …civilization didnt exist then
Elephants are known to have graveyards. They go there to die.
This looks like the mammoth equivalent.
At least no one is poaching living elephants today for their pretty ivory.
He says probably very often…
The six Mandogs in the mid range of the season of the finch is a big piece of the missing links.
It takes a lot of charcoal to cook up that big game barbeque over many years
Personally believe that those mammoths or just like elephants they bury their dead so that was a burial mound that they found in Alaska