Buried Treasures Found With Metal Detector On Bunch Of Different New Jersey Beaches

Buried Treasures Found With Metal Detector On Bunch Of Different New Jersey Beaches

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Lisa’s home was in New Jersey and she had always heard about buried treasure in the Garden State. She had just graduated from college, and had been given a brand new Minelab metal detector by her father as a graduation present. She had always wanted to do some local traveling, and decided to spend her summer doing some treasure hunting around the state. She still had plenty of time to find a real job and right now she just wanted a vacation to recharge from all of the time that she had spent studying for all of her final exams.

First she would head to the Cedar river just a little south of Cedarville. It seemed like a good starting place for her and wasn’t more than a hour away from where she lived anyways. She had packed up her small hatchback car with her metal detector, accessories, and plenty of supplies before leaving and wanted to get as close as she could to the river. Then she set out searching for the buried treasure that was supposed to be there. She had never been to this river before, but she marveled at how beautiful it was as she started walking along the shore. Her father had sometimes taken her along on treasure hunts while growing up, so she had already had some experience using metal detectors to search for buried gold, old coins and trinkets.

Starting up her metal detector, her blond hair swayed gracefully in the wind. The cool morning air did not deter her as she started waving her metal detector back and forth near the water’s edge. The river was still rather high from the abundant rainfall that they had gotten over the spring, so she would really have to watch her step. She started under a small grove of trees, as Lisa had been told by her father that he always thought, that pirates would bury their treasure in such places. Lisa was sure to pay special attention to the areas around tree bases. The metal detector started squealing right next to a rather large white pine and she began digging in the ground. It was a old silver dollar that someone had probably dropped there. Next near the base of another large tree, was a old rusted metal hair comb. There was not much to be found here, so she decided to keep checking closer to the water. Rolling up her jeans, Lisa began searching just the edge of the water, while avoiding the worst of the current. She continued to find the usual junk every once in a while, but wasn’t having much luck finding anything else.

About three hours after she began her search, Lisa’s metal detector started going off wildly right next to the edge of the river. She was shocked to finally find something of value, as she had dug up a rare gold $20 piece and some other old coins within a few feet of it. Was this gold piece a rare double eagle? She would have to have it appraised from a expert when she got back into town. Over the next few hours, she only found one more thing of significance, but it had made the whole trip worthwhile – a beautiful gold wedding band.

She worked the area for a couple hours the next day and came up with a few modern coins but there was no buried treasure to be found here, so Lisa decided to pack up her stuff and head towards the next destination. Legend has it that Apple Pie Hill is home to two chests of gold left by the retreating British during the Revolutionary war. Apple Pie Hill is located in the Wharton State forest, and is a popular hiking destination. Lisa had a great deal of ground to cover today. She concentrated her search around an old stone structure first, a place arguably forgotten by time. A hiker walked by, looking curiously at her as she began searching with her metal detector. Were the British even here when this was still a building or was this built after the war? Lisa stumbled around with these thoughts as she worked her way through the remains of the building.
To read the rest of this article go to http://needbucksnow.com/metal-detecting-in-the-garden-state/ and share this video for me https://youtu.be/1WYIeADtr5U

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  1. seymoure sasquatch on January 13, 2023 at 9:02 am

    Hi, i was doing some surfing here on the net and found your site, i live only 20 minutes or so from Apple Pie Hill and was going to head out there soon, i like to wait for the bugs to stop their assault and the weather to get a little cooler. I have spent a lot of time out there deer hunting over the years and know the area well. I listened to your video and something you had mentioned caught my attention, nothing big but just something i noticed, you had said that you were not sure if the block foundations were there when the British were there or after, Just some fyi, any foundations for structures built prior to probably 1900 or so were made from iron ore type rocks, they are usually the size of a pizza box and are a deep reddish brown color. almost any old foundation in this part of southern N.J. was made constructed from this old bog ore. If you’re ever planning on heading out there, two heads are better than one, shoot me an email and maybe we can get together and do some researching out there. my email add. is joesasquatch@comcast.net. talk to ya soon……Joe

  2. DOUBLEYOURINCOME on January 13, 2023 at 9:17 am

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