True Tales of Buried Treasure: Washington Slept Here

True Tales of Buried Treasure: Washington Slept Here In this video, we look at a simplified summary of the story ‘Washington Slept Here’ by Ed Fedory, which appeared in the May 1987 issue of the magazine ‘Western & Eastern Treasures.’ The stories which appear in this magazine include: – Carnival Fever, by Carlene Americk –…

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The Secret: A Treasure Hunt by Byron Priess

The Secret: A Treasure Hunt by Byron Priess The Secrete: A Treasure hunt, by Byron Pries, is an incredible book. It speaks of the fair folk that once came to this land and how they stashed their TREASURE! Throughout the book you’re told of where the fair folk came from and how they came to…

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The Solution to The Secret: A Treasure Hunt by Byron Priess

The Solution to The Secret: A Treasure Hunt by Byron Priess The Secret: A Treasure Hunt Solution In 1984 Byron Priess hid 12 casques which could be found using clues in his book The Secret: A Treasure Hunt and to this day 3 of those hidden casques have been found. Today I’m giving you what…

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