Clay County Lost Treasure – Alabama Adventures
Clay County Lost Treasure – Alabama Adventures
General Andrew Jackson, the world’s first Indian fighter and hater passes through Clay County, Alabama , on his way to The Battle of Horseshoe Bend and looses a solid brass cannon in a rain swollen creek. The cannon has never been found until this day. Sasquatch Jim gives details of this historic event and possible clues to the location.
My oldest brother Michael Mims Farish was named after the Mims family. We have a lot of kin folk in Atmore, Brewton and Gulf Shores Alabama. You know it’s a shame I have never meet any of my kin folk down there but one of these days soon I think I am just going to pack up and move down there. I have been drawn there since I was very young that is where I need to be. Strange isn’t it ?
Jim…. u should do stand up…..
The "Man of many hats"! I’m waiting next for you to come to in a "Topper" and Yes they definitely made both Brass and Bronze cannons.
Maybe Enitachopco Creek?
And that looks like the old bridge on Woodbottom Rd.
Still Shool Creek.
Yeah. Those lawn mowers are famous!
Id burn that chair if it was mine
Alabama Bigfoot Society : Hello Sasquatch Jim , please check @ 11:24 There are Bigfoot and other Cryptids out in the open against the trees and also in the shrubbery , looking your way !!
I live on this road.
That is SHOOL CREEK. Not Yellow Moccasin.
Second creek is same one further down creek.
always enjoy your channel and content. its great because i know all these places you talk about, being a lifelong alabamian. check out old yute/yuke road in jefferson cnty or shannon area. lots of strange tales there
That was an interesting storey about the yellow snake, that is really a copperhead . Common in the northern part of Alabama .
That is Shool Creek. It and the church are on the same road I live on.
Don’t climb on the cannon! You are Old and you might ruin what is left of your manlyhood. Keep up the Good Work, whatever that is? I still haven’t figured that out yet? But your astute, intellectual persuits are intersting. A. Jackson was truly Evil.
Again my friend, you can get off track all you want bc you have so many wonderful stories to tell. Keep doing what you do! lol