Creek Treasure Hunt w/my Bride: Over 40 Golf Balls
Creek Treasure Hunt w/my Bride: Over 40 Golf Balls
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Exploring Alabama
PO BOX 104
DeArmanville, AL, 36257
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My Gear:
My Brute Magnetics 500 lb magnet:
My Brute Magnetics 1000 lb magnet:
PolarPro Hero 5 Polarized Lens:
My Grip N Grabber:
Garrett Waterproof Pin pointer:
Whites TRX Bullseye Pin pointer:
My camera:
Bounty Hunter:
GoPro Jaw Clamp:
Viking Power Pack Jumper:
My Muck Water Boots:
My Muck Work Boots:
I’m gonna nominate "Creek Eggs" for the new Merriam Webster new word (phrase). Just love your vernacular explanations.
Mosquito world ,😳diddy bag ,mine was not mesh
you need to find a golf ball cleaner machine like they have at the golf courses. Texas
How many snakes did y’all see?
Was someone shooting golf balls with spud gun ? How so deep in the creek walls?
Very good video, 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 applauding your brides determination. Glad that fan gave her those boots so she can come along. Not sure if she thought the song reference was as funny as we did. But WTG ! ~ Texas
So cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool…
I love the videos with your bride with the starring role! Having fun with ya’ll!!!
happening with the jeep?What’s
Where has the bearded one been?
It’s like mushroom hunting. So exciting to find them
We called that bag a diddy bag in orlando naval basic
Yes that is the same song dirty laundry
You just gave me the heebie jeebies with that spider! 🙊 I have to say that your lovely bride is a TROOPER! Shows me just how unoutdoorsy I am!
My husband still has his to.
old english word for spider was attercoppe (used in the hobbit by Tolkein) It came
from Danish or Norwegian and meant poison head. coppe became cop and later became cob.
Tough creek ! Wild and murky where the golf balls lurky.
Ya’ll are just too cute!
Cute kitty! Never saw a cat 🐈 that liked ants 🐜! Nice video! Enjoyed that you had your bride along!
PLEASE head back to this spot and bring some matches with you and light up some of that swampgas!
You may have shown wedding pictures of you and your bride before, but I’ve missed it. How about some pictures of the bride and groom?
Sqeeky is a beautiful cat.
Trick or treating for golf balls, creek style.
Mud is great for your skin.
You all need a machete. Lol
It warms my heart that you two do these together … It is a pretty walk
You should have brought the machete.
your bride deserves a back rub after all that walking lol! she is a good sport !
Your wife is a real trooper! You’re one lucky man.
I think the Brides natural habitat is in a more open creek with plenty of marbles in it
You guys make me laugh..think you!!
Did you guys forget the mosquito repellent again?
How do they all in there,crazy. Clean them up put in egg cartons and sell them….
Heh, "Chevy Van" bride & man! Times like this, ya’ll remind me of Hansel & Gretel, post-candy season, scavenging for tubers & turnips & ‘taters, except because the evil Swamp Witch got there 1st, when u dig, instead of turning up root veggies, all u get for your troubles are golf balls! What a bizarre fairy-tale this is turning out to be. Behold, the Lone Harvester’s Lament: "I took my love down Gator’s Dip, to frolic on the sandy shore. At Gassy Pit she took a slip, and swore w/me she’d stroll no more!"
Creek eggs! 🥚🥚🥚🤣🤣
Awww I can’t believe you took your beautiful Bride through that creek where there is a low bridge (tree) warning lol. Bless her, she’s a first class trooper. xx
Ticks here are rampant. I get 10 just sticking my foot out the door. Ok. I exaggerate. Only 9.
leave that nasty lookin spider alone
Creek eggs and squeaky! Great video. Kudos for your bride for hanging in there, shorts in briers ouch!
"Cob" can mean a male swan (sorry, too many xword puzzles")
I love your bride’s boots! What’s the name brand?
I used to go boating with a person who would take one golf club and about 10 – 20 golf balls and he would just practice hitting the balls down the water way. He was not concerned about leaving the balls wherever they landed.
I ❤SQUEAKY. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Was Squeaky eating ants? Our old tom Spooky Mulder Kitty (R.I.P.) had a thing for the chemical trail ants exude – he’d stretch way out & roll around in ’em, squishing ’em all in his fur, grinning like he’d just found where I kept the catnip stash or something. Crazy creatures.
I like Squeaky. You should your vids with a little squeaky
Quote of the day: "It’s not all glamorous out here!" Cracked me up.
At 31:37 there’s a golf ball to your right as you put the second golf ball into the bag.
E.A., cobweb comes from the Middle English word coppeweb. Apparently coppe meant spider way back.
I hear the coffee percolating. LOL
Either a driving range up stream or some one has a golf ball launcher for a m1 or a ar15