Every Lightroot Location Reward – Tears of the Kingdom
Every Lightroot Location Reward – Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom has 120 lightroots in the depths that you have to light up to dispell the darkness for the ward of the Dispelling Darkness Medal. That is the All 120 Lightroot Locations Reward – Tears of the Kingdom
Official Austin John Plays Playlist of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwGyU0mZTYHUB45gY82-eu4kxd1vGlxqo
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I got the full zonaite set, it’s awesome
the games rewards confuses me sometimes
Zonaitr armor complete set reduces energy consumption by about 60%. Tested it with a cannon at 1 energy cell(yea i cheeses my way to the really high up ones with Large Zonai charges and the Green Goblin Glider)
Cannon normally takes 1 full cell per shot. With all 3 I was able to get 3 shots
how do i get the one below rito village? does it happen during the story
Btw, battery capacity just doubles over itself past 8…so if you fill up your entire battery set, you’ll get more that make your existing batteries blue as you continue.
Your battery is only half maxed. You can go blue and get DOUBLE the juice!
these things do in fact break. crashed one into a cliff and it fell on a jagged rock losing me a fan
these videos are a godsend, I can wait for a bubul gem and well guide so I can finish those quests
Austin I have one problem with your videos…
They are UNNECESSARILY good!
I would be lying if i said I wasn’t massively disappointed. I really wanted more than a medal that says "you did it!".
Thats not an award thats garbage.
I actually found the full zonite set when I had three batteries and it extended the time I could use zonite devices by a lot, now that I have max battery I barely have to land while looking for light roots or shrines.
Quite a bad reward considering what you get for the shrines I mean come on you get a better reward for doing 3 time attacks
unlimited durability mod actually let’s you play the game instead of getting ready to play the game
Omg I’m missing two. I can’t even see the blacked out area
I have literally one missing and I can’t find it
Ever notice how the topography of the depths is the inverse of the surface? For example, in the depths Lanayru summit is essentially a deep hole, while the Lanayru bay needs a lot of climbing.
There are so many pointless rewards in this game…
Austin John Plays is always the first resource for so many new games. You can see all the hard work and hours he put into these!!!
i wish it was something more special
To me, not having pitch black every square inch is reward enough
that hoverbike can "break" but you can rebuild it if you find the pieces. I had it happen once while exploring, I think it went flying into a wall at speed and fell a good distance and it broke apart… I couldn’t find the controller(forgot I could use recall to locate things).
even 5 batteries is enough to do a ton of exploration, I did like a 20 lightroot excursion and used only a couple large zonites and some smalls(couldve avoided these if I did a landing to recharge).
Can any1 tell me how to get the light root underneath e sepapa shrine I’m kind of stuck it’s surrounded by a rock wall and I can’t find a chasm any help?
I have found every light root and like half of the shrines, so it’s nice to have directs locations for most of the shrines.
Im actually using light roots to find shrines…
I think the weapons respawn every blood moon, so that would likely be when it changes based on game progress
funny you mention the shrines= lightroots, I did the opposite. I found every single lightroot and used them to find all 120 surface shrines once I realized they lined up. in my opinion it makes the depths super worth it, you get battery, pristine weapons, autobuild and schematics, boost your world level by fighting monsters, find excellent treasures like the Wild Hero set which now gives an attack up set effect instead of the generic and worthless Master Sword Beam up, and get to bully a certain fat ninja.
Wait, is there always a light root beneath a main-ground shrine, or am I understanding it wrong?
Hey Austin. Can you make a video on things to do before fighting ganon or whatever happens at the end of the game because I really want to know if I’m prepared enough
nice new logo
I’m not using constructs to light it up and I’m enjoying running around with the miner set
I am so close to finishing the lightroots! I’m going to watch this later
I got all of them and when I got the medal, I didn’t really expect much but a medal? Cmon…
just a medal? what a huge disappointment
Got this on my recommended quite literally seconds after I finished them YouTube and Austin must really love me
Thanks for th I video, what were the armor set you used?
Still a better reward then getting all the Koroks XD
Hey with the scooter thing how can you drive it straight when I stop usuing my joystick it starts rotating making me fall
Yo dude, thank you so much for these videos. I think I can say for most the most part that you are like the big brother helping his younger sibling with their game
. But honestly thanks, I wouldn’t have been able to get through this game without getting lost without ur vids!
Yeah I’m stuck on Josha . I can’t figure out what this girl needs smh
Kind of takes some fun out of the exploration if you blast the whole map the entire time. No thanks.
the only thing im missing is the middle where the castle is
Can’t wait for you to do the thunderstorm island in the sky video lol I can’t make it through the fog lol
The fans def break. I had them break this past weekend after riding on them for like 1.5 hours straight.
I can’t believe it took 6 years to make this cash grab. The Sky map is just a few cluster of boring islands and the underworld is annoying a boring because you can’t see anything 90% of the time.
The story is just pathetic, unemotional, and pointless. This was just an attempted to make money off of Breath of the Wild’s undeserved hype. Just like they failed with Majora’s Mask’s riding off Ocarina of Time’s financial success…
I’m done with the Zelda franchise Aonuma fully taking over was a huge mistake… …
Stand on he control stick of the hoverbike facing backwards and throw a large brightbloom seed on the back turbine to get a mobile light source for your journey (the impact will start the bike but you’re already riding it).
anyone notice when Austin Zoomed out on the map it looked like a PP
I farm some of those dark link weapon spots, because you can get some amazing weapons with zero effort. Gerudo Claymore for example is amazing. You’ll likely have extra Silver Lynel horns pretty quickly and getting double damage for the entire life of the weapon (instead of just the last 3 hits like the royal guard one) makes it my go to weapon for regular fights, only using the royal guards for mounting lynels.
Go check those out, you can get really good stuff. Even just a clean cobble crusher is useful for some mini bosses like frox or the armoured Lynel
They should change the name of the medal to “no life medal”