Exceptional Story: Finding $50,000 in Hawaii
Exceptional Story: Finding $50,000 in Hawaii
I was surfing in Hawaii when I found treasure! Funny, true, story of an adventure finding money IRL out in the ocean! The family’s fortune was saved as we found the owner.
More videos from me at: https://www.youtube.com/bladeboques
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Sometimes I wish my internet was capable of watching twitch, just for your story times
Always refreshing to hear your stories Blade.
fuck you exploiter
Compulsive liar lmao
Miss you all! 😀 ❤️
Lol, good story! Made me laugh xD
Btw @BladeBoques keep your head up man.
What is up with these dislikes?
He exploited and I don’t really care, he’s an entertainer not a good Samaritan.
thanks for the content, glad you’re ignoring the plebs and continuing too make vids. I was skeptical too at first then I thought about it and does a mistake undo all your previous content? no its good content. so keep going 🙂
Good story man, keep up the good streams and vids.
Wait wait wait wait UR UNBANNED IF SO CONGRATS!
You know.. when you mention Hawaii.. I think of a completely different story about a Hawaii that’s near and dear to Exceptional Legion from our SWTOR days! If you ever stream that story.. please let me know cuz I’d love to join in! -Oprious
Please return to steaming, I really miss the awesome content and the exceptional stories ^^
Is it just me or does this story come across as unbelieveable BS?
Blade, we know you didn’t do it! SEE YA SOON
Why do you cheat so shamelessly?
whatever you didnt or did do, i still like your stream and videos. keep them coming!
Another bullshit story from a scammer. Is making up stories your full time job?
this youtuber is a hacker and expoliter.
I like how people used to say you didn’t exploit at all and now that kakao made the official statement that it was impossible to do the exploit accidentally all of your fans are saying "oh it didn’t affect me
though" as if that made it any better. Do you also make up these stories to make your life seem more interesting? I think it’s a bit too late to try to win back the viewers that you lost.
Fake news
Hi Blade, keep it up, dont give a damn about those hater´s, like who cares, your community will resist!!
Some new guids coming soon? 😀
Great story. Can’t believe I listened to the whole thing. I usually can’t watch a video longer than a minute or two.
jesus christ comment section what is wrong with you? if you all dont like blade just unsubscribe and go. even if he exploited, that doesnt make his videos bad!
man your ego Mr. Nice guy. you was silence on exploit and used it for your self and want to convince us that you returned the 50k man come on . (if that stroy was real)
first of all i want to say i have nothing against you, you make good video’s i like your stuff. about the exploiting shit.. it’s kind off tricky since you are a big streamer/youtuber anyway i’ve seen your explanation video on twitch but what i think is that it actualy WAS a bug but.. you HAVE seen it but you kept it there doing it’s thing. on the other side.. it would be kind off retarted to do this and risk your account and status for a couple million silver… buuuutt also it would be kind off retarded to NOT see that SINGLE blue worker on the top of the worker list working on the same node as another worker.. so either way you kind off did something wrong you know.. anyway i don’t think you deserve to get all this hate from everyone that doesn’t even know anything about the situation. give me some feedback on this comment 🙂
0.076% of people that watched this video disliked it. its just a very vocal minority.
(160 dislikes to 2,476 views)
Keep it up! Crazy story 😉
Cheating fucking exploiting piece of shit. ZERO INTEGRITY
reeeeeeee "comment about exploitation" very original
After all that has happened I am starting to believe most BDO players are a bunch of butthurt weeabos, who don’t want anybody to give away any tips to get better.
Man, 1 exploit and 100 dislikes, like it has anything with the story.
You have my like Blade I liked the story.
You kids being butthurt over the exploit drama are being very very dramatic. It was a minor exploit. 2 workers in ancient stone chamber is nothing like 2 workers in Valencia investment bank.
Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate, True players go Blade style. Keep it up bro!
edit: Awesome story thanks for sharing 😉
The Bright side: all the haters and crazy people constantly mentioning you is 100% driving traffic towards your youtube and twitch sooo 😀
Heard this on stream a while ago. Good vid
I bet the people who want you banned are ones that are mad that you share info on how to get money, because they don’t want other people to become stronger lmao.
Pathological lying is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Individuals may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth. Sometimes however, the individuals may be lying to make their lives seem more exciting, when in reality they believe their lives are unpleasant or boring.
So why exactly do you all know he really was exploiting ?
The story of the boy believed to be Kirito,
Only that Kirito was a Beater and not a Cheater
Don’t be discouraged by the haters in the comment section. I personally don’t give a shit what you did, it didn’t affect me or the way i play the game at all. Keep up the good work.
The amount of sheep blaming blade for something that was clearly a mistake, is quite ridiculous. It is a bit too far-fetched to even call wolf. Next thing you know; people are going to start saying blade is a Illuminati shape-shifting lizard person, that sucks the life out of puppies. XD
Please quit BDO you lying cheater.
Wait the let the same guy hold the stuff again? Why? O_o
I just got the notification and came to unsubscribe. pls quit BDO.