Forrest Fenn Says Hidden Treasure Was Found In Wyoming

Forrest Fenn Says Hidden Treasure Was Found In Wyoming

The 89-year-old author filled a chest with treasure worth an estimated $2 million, hid it somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, and wrote a complicated poem with cryptic clues about where to find it.


  1. Dennis Schultz on May 15, 2023 at 7:32 am

    Forrest Fenn is a good man who did a great thing he gave so many hope. A lotto ticket you controlled. He gave away over a million dollars and somehow people say he is bad. Because they could not figure out where the box was it must be a con. Mr Fenn got so many people to get out and see the world. They went places they would have never gone.He told people it is not in a place a 80 year old man could not go. If you spend anytime watching this man you will know he does not lie. Someone has a new life that they have earned. Everyone knew the rules crack the poem go get the treasure.All the people thinking they should somehow get it because they had some solve. They did not go get the box he did it is his. I thank Mr Fenn I wish a few more people with more money then he has would give hope to others like he did.

  2. briantravelman on May 15, 2023 at 7:33 am

    Earlier it said it had been found in Montana. I was wondering why Expedition Unknown hasn’t done any updates on it. I even commented on Josh Gates’ Instagram telling him that it had been found. Nothing. No reply. No update on the show, or even online. I agree with the commenters. Something’s fishy here. You’d think the finder would want his name to go down in the history books. I think you guys are right that Fenn went and retrieved it himself. Certainly if this was real, Expedition Unknown would have done an update on it. And if even the show isn’t able to confirm it, that means it’s either still out there or Fenn retrieved it himself.

  3. Pineal gland juice on May 15, 2023 at 7:37 am

    Forest fakes fools treasure. It’s the tricks of a charlatan. Duplicitous and conniving.

  4. kristine kuenzi on May 15, 2023 at 7:45 am

    at least my solve was right state!

  5. Bird In Charlotte on May 15, 2023 at 8:17 am

    I am the man that found the location of where the treasure was supposed to be and e mailed him on the 6th of June {should have read 3td of June, sorry} with exact gps location, he then told the world someone had found it but no other info was available, I had found the location August 2018 but because nothing was there I kept looking. It was a hoax, I found every clue and hint and the secret that the numbers in ttotc actually confirmed the last 3 digits for lat/long of each hint. The last 3 digits for where the treasure was supposed to be ended with 423 and 328, His dads burial location and the number of missions he flew in Vietnam. 5 people died looking for the treasure and 350,000 spent millions looking and it was all a hoax. I do have the blaze in my possession. The treasure location where it was supposed to be was only 35 feet from where I parked and alot of people drove by it every day 40 to 50 feet from it. Pine Mountain, Wyoming

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