Good Morning Hawaii ABC News features Letters in 40 Thieves on Saipan Book on Gold Star Mothers Day

Good Morning Hawaii ABC News features Letters in 40 Thieves on Saipan Book on Gold Star Mothers Day

Marvin Strombo was a member of the 40 Thieves on Saipan. It was on Saipan where he acquired the Good Luck Flag that he returned to a family in Japan during the Obon Festival in 2017.

Watch this Gold Star Mothers Day story (September 27, 2020) on Good Morning Hawaii KITV ABC News featuring the personal letters in the new WWII history book, “40 Thieves on Saipan”. In honor of Gold Star Mothers who sadly lost a child while serving in the US Military, they show the letters written to and from Cpl Don Evans (one of the 40 Thieves) and his mother (Merle Evans) now in this new book.

In addition, Author Joseph Tachovsky, describes how his father’s Special Operations / Elite Marines got their nickname of the “40 Thieves” by stealing a jeep on the Big Island at Parker Ranch. Their training was done when Hawaii was still a U.S. Territory before shipping off to Saipan, Japan. Lt. Frank Tachovsky also received the Silver Star while on Hawaii (photo at end). For more information, visit AND/OR purchase on Amazon

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