Hidden Caches in Iowa #losttreasure #treasurehunting #buriedtreasure #treasurehunters #TreasureMaps
Hidden Caches in Iowa #losttreasure #treasurehunting #buriedtreasure #treasurehunters #TreasureMaps
Hidden Caches in Iowa #losttreasure #treasurehunting #buriedtreasure #treasurehunters #TreasureMaps | During Prohibition, the area around Templeton, Iowa, was rife with bootleggers, who buried their earnings to avoid the watchful eyes of the IRS. Since their money was illegally obtained, many refused to deposit it in banks, fearing audits and potential jail time. In 1972, contractors demolishing the home of bootlegger Giulio Ferroni, who had passed away in 1961, uncovered $17,860 hidden in the house. Many believe that similar stashes from the Prohibition era remain buried throughout Iowa, waiting to be discovered.
Another famous Iowa treasure is tied to an 1868 ambush near Siam, 8 miles south of New Market in Taylor County. A wealthy cattle buyer and his young companion were killed, and the chest they were carrying, containing $90,000, was never found. In 1915, during an unrelated trial, a 77-year-old man confessed to being involved in the ambush, revealing that the chest was buried on Old Klondike Farm, northwest of Siam. He also mentioned that other caches, holding $12,000 and $50,000, were hidden on the property.
Iowa lost treasure
Hidden caches Iowa
Templeton bootleggers treasure
Iowa Prohibition treasure
Bootleggers buried money Iowa
Giulio Ferroni treasure
Templeton hidden cash
Bootlegging era Iowa
Iowa hidden wealth
Taylor County treasure
Siam Iowa hidden chest
Old Klondike Farm treasure
$90,000 hidden Iowa
Lost treasures Taylor County
Prohibition hidden money
Iowa treasure maps
Iowa bootleggers’ riches
Buried treasures Iowa history
Cattle buyer ambush treasure
Templeton Iowa treasure hunt
Buried cash Iowa
Iowa treasure hunters
Lost treasure legends Iowa
$50,000 buried Iowa
Iowa historical treasure
Iowa treasure hunting
Bootlegger treasure Iowa
Ambushed cattle buyer Iowa
Old farm treasure Iowa
Prohibition cash stashes Iowa