Hidden Gold In The Depths of the Bering Sea! | Bering Sea Gold | Full Episode | Discovery Channel
Hidden Gold In The Depths of the Bering Sea! | Bering Sea Gold | Full Episode | Discovery Channel
The Gold Mining team of Shawn Pomrenke, Emily Riedel, and Steve Pomrenke is gearing up for another thrilling adventure in the depths of the Bering Sea, where gold waits to be discovered in the cold Alaskan waters. The team dives into the vast seabed, hoping to find gold in every bay and continue their pursuit of the elusive gold rush. With years of experience in gold mining in Alaska, they are determined to find gold again. Will they find hidden treasures like they always do, or will the Bering Sea keep its secrets? Tune in to Bering Sea Gold on the Discovery Channel.
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i swear the reaper crew is only on the show for drama they are the most idiotic crew ever Hey discovery dump the mopron and justy get on with good experienced crews without the stupid drama
put him on a carnivore diet and he will lose 20 pounds the first week.
Haha Sean spent all that money on building a drege for someone else to take it from him lol
How, the F**k did he get 4K in dept when got the Rig from his Dad? ( Soul)
I bought a few hundred USDT from a friend, and he gave me a string of code e95295df4634a8e08e2a505b89339757ccebc4ea5e87b567140dc9aa09530f83. What does it mean? How do I transfer it to OKX?
The big dredge who’s is it
This a old one
Nothing like putting fresh grease in the sea
Lo mene kr diya phla comment
More ould video please put something new on