Hidden History of New Jersey Shipwrecks

Hidden History of New Jersey Shipwrecks

An estimated three thousand shipwrecks lie off the New Jersey shoreline, but these icy-green waters hold more mysteries than sunken hulls. Ancient arrowheads found under the sand of Sandy Hook reveal Native American Settlements before the land was flooded after the melting of the glaciers 12,000 years ago. With Stephen Nagiewicz, Professor with Stockton College.


  1. Raymond Clark on January 21, 2023 at 10:00 am

    In the early 70’s we explored off of Capt. Clovers boat including the $25. But then the boats only went to lobster spots. One of those was the Slabs. While everyone was hunting I took a student about 100′ away and we found a about 75′ coastal gaff rigged schooner sitting upright.. I’ve never found anyone else who knew about it:)

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