Watch to the END to see what happens!
George has a plan to take Jeremy on surprise trip without him knowing the destination
They already visited Nevada, Arizona, California and now Hawaii
They’ve been living the life of “FUN”employment that they always teach
With some free time on their hands, they go in search of a secret Hawaiian treasure
But they had no idea that they weren’t going to be aloud to park their car
So for the 1st time in their lives, they hitchhike
Watch to the END to see what happens!
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#hawaii #hitchhiking #travel
I loved watching Magnum P.I. Glad you were able to get a ride. Enjoyed seeing the waterfall and the turtles.
I didn’t realize that the turtles were so BIG!! Just awesome! Enjoy your stay! 😎😎
So nice getting drove past where they were filming Magnum P.I. The waterfall was beautiful and seeing the sand turtles was awesome too. Can’t wait to see what else you 2 do in Hawaii
Havaii cheehoohooo lol samoan Polynesian
The turtles were awesome! Had to go read up on them after the video.
I LOVED the original Magnum P.I.!! This new version’s definitely lost something. Maybe in the future they will do a new remake of Magnum P I. more in line with the original with some of the original cast. That would be awesome!!!!! I love watching the turtles too. Thanks for sharing.
You guys are crazy’s!!😂😂😂😂😮😊❤
Now that is a long driveway
Fun fact- Bamboo and palm trees are the largest of the grass family.
How pretty the Forst Looks and the last to see is the sea turtles how beautiful
Jeremy and George I’m so happy that kind gentlemen stop I give you both lift I could see that poor George is out of breath have a fabulous time there love and prayers 🙏 to you Jeremy and George love you both ❤
Can you please bring me back a silk lay back amd bring it to half tim Mill to grill please I’ll pay you for it
Volcano why u both get hurt
So glad you got to see turtles 🐢 Jeremy!
Wow the place is Beautiful .. How cool you were driven by Magnum P.I. Filming Crew .. 😁😅😍Georgy & Geremy you both crack me up 🤣🤣🤣
Awww George you looked so exhausted at times, but you made it. Blessings and continued prayers for your good health George.
You should check out theBotanicak Garden, North of Waialua! Lots of birds, flora, and a fantastic pool under a waterfall. I took a dip when I was there!
Nice pond or creek .
So much is involved in making a TV show!! Holy moly!!! I never imagined this!!!!
They are called Honu(hoe nu).
Love it
I love Magmun PI
Jeorge is so young she can’t get any younger. Geremy is so old, he can’t get any older 😀
Oh I love this video you guys are making it so enjoyable to watch your trips as you go along I think you found a new mix in your YouTube
Oh that poor turtle 🐢 😢 people just horrible. Enjoy the Aloha and cool you got to see filming Magnum! George you be good to you glad you got a ride.
that was ssooooo cool
Are you not going to get your own turtle, Jeremy!! Another fav video x
I watch maguim pi how cool. You guys find everything.
Thanks for taking me on holidays I wouldn’t get there otherwise 💙💖🇦🇺
what island are you on?????????? i lived on maui for 29 years,,,,,,have a great time;;;;
Hey guys – It’s been great watching your travels and adventures. However, something has been bothering me during your trip. What happened to Christian and Patience? I miss them. !!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn’t your mom ever teach you not to hitch hike lol
Yeah I want to say you guys are the only ones I know of where a preacher goes and looks at fire and brimstone and comes back alive that’s pretty good for a guy as young as you are.
Thank you so much for the Hawaii trip!!!!! Loving every min.
Beautiful scenery but way to short video! I am enjoying Hawaii.
Turtle in hawaii is honu (hoe-new)
Awesome guys. Thanks again for letting me tag along. This is the ONLY way I get to tour Hawaii. You guys are really awesome tour guides. Safe travels. Luv ya’s: GRAM in TX.
Yeah it changed networks it’s going to be on NBC. And now I believe it you confirmed it. Thank you 😊
I swear sometimes Jeremy sounds like Danny McBride lol
When you live in San Antonio, Texas you don’t waste your time with Taco Bell
With all the great Mexican food restaurants around (Tex-Mex which has all the right spices and not bland like Taco Bell).
I grew up in Hawaii and I am loving seeing all these tourist videos.
I loved watching MPI, I’m glad to see you guys are having a fantastic time, if you have time go to a Luau, my husband and I had a great time
Loooooove Magnum PI! You so lucky!!! 🌸✌️💜
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I’m glad you and George are enjoying your time at Hawaii did I see guapo when his wife there with you guys
So awesome seeing the turtles sleeping on the beach!😮thank you again for sharing your beautiful vacation and I must say a well deserved vacation too!
Thanks for sharing 😊