illinois cavern housed ancient egyptian artifacts – pictures included
illinois cavern housed ancient egyptian artifacts – pictures included
The ancient Egyptian tomb and artifacts of Alexander the Great were found in Illinois, not in Egypt. Harry Hubbard shares with us his research and discoveries about the Illinois cavern that housed ancient Egyptian artifacts and shares all his pictures that are included in this video about the ancient Egyptian tomb and artifacts of king Alexander found in Illinois. Thanks, Harry for sharing with us about the ancient Illinois cavern that housed ancient Egyptian artifacts – pictures included
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Clues to the rich lost Woolsey mine –
Clues to the Spanish treasures on the Henry Mountains –
Why do you think these are Egyptian?
None of this is Egyptian.
Which taints this nice find.
59:06 – Looks like African slaves were here much longer than most realize.
I have followed this for we quite something. Harry should have his own show.
Pathalogical lier , no shame
Sounds like a Biden
13:39 I speak it I wish I could help you translate it… It’s upsidedown.
Have you checked out "The Rockford Tablet?"
Gosh Terry. So proud of you .. come a long way.. congrats
Just a heads up… as soon as you start talking about specific artifacts (in your shop) that are for sale some people’s bull-shit meters start to go off.
that old dude that had the arrowheads that were found in colorado look like same time period
This guy is talking out of his ass. I decided to do some fact-checking instead of just believing this guy. He said that a TON of gold fits in HALF of a paper bag. One ton of gold is 62.992′ x 62.992′ x 62.992′
They found a tomb just like that one in michigan. There was a whole crew of workers that found it and the government came in and sent it all back over seas. Then said all the workers faked it. But every workers swears they all found it together and they didn’t fake anything.
I love Harry Hubbard! He truly is a National Treasure. Thank you for this interview. Please, find time to do another soon. It’s fabulous stuff!!
@ 49:00 -Is that a Sasquatch?
Interesting ideas… Ancient Technology may explain unknowns such as emerald tablets ect. The world is very old and his"tory is corrupt
Watch out for snakes in the grass ya’ll. And I do not mean Terry when I say that.
Harry seems to know alot about scathing on stone and he knows alot about making it look good.

What are these artifacts dated to or even guessed to be from? I am so curious as to where in the timeline they fit in? Their extreme antiquity is fascinating! Thanks for putting this information out for all to hear, it’s necessary for the new ears that will listen.
Really? C’mon.
Can’t wait to see Harry Hubbard’s evidence for the bogus Dead Sea Scrolls! That should prove very interesting to me! I would love to do a Google Earth scan to see if there are major repositories of gold artifacts in Marion County. I would also like to know who is in control of that property at this time, especially if Russell Burrow`s health is failing!
at 35 minutes its GOLD! i cant believe it was melted
i DO have a
(made in Italy) cherry red, honda helmet if that 150 is still around
at 45 nooooooooooooooooo
we have got to safeguard It All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bless your heart for sharing now
The link doesn’t work for your guest is there another way to watch his channel on it?
Everything is n Stone. Kn it folks.
Nature Freedom Dreams.
That was Awsome!!!!
If you study ancient greek roman writings America Amaraca Amaru Cua is Old Egypt/Atlantis/Western Ethiopia.. Which its why it was stolen and the original people history killed destroyed!!!
ELON please buy this for claire and hers and Me and the kids and yours to share with everyone
I’d pay $1 million for that property. Just gotta wait for that miracle to occur.
I believe Harry, he is a better archaeologist than any university professor, he knows his ancient languages, he does his research, and he never gives up. Awesome that this channel is bringing Harry’s research back to the public consciousness… his work needs to be seen and known
to be honest they do look fake. I bet someone in like the 70s learned a few things and started drawing these cause they all have the same cheap artist look to them. Like it was a beginner artist.
Buy a good mic and an audio board. Can’t listen to crap audio. Please
Terry I was just watching a video on blind frog and I saw the same objects on there there i found on Google earth
THEY WERE NYLE PHOENIXIANS (Nilotes), not egypti, since they sailed here BEFORE the Macedonian (Greco) and Roman Hijacksons began their thievery incursions.
Those carvings look fake
Maybe it’s Phonecian, not Egyptian.
Great work as always keep it up and be well.. What did he say his channel’s were I looked up Illinois cave’s couldn’t find it?
I can’t believe so many people take this nut job seriously.
First Post Office. Egypt. check out zip code 60606. peace/blessing’s Memphis, TN Elvis.
I knew Arn from October 1984, until his passing. I was in Vernal, when he passed on. I had map-dowsed a buckboard, that had been disassembled, and buried. My impression was, to drive to Vernal, ask around, with a view to learning more about it, as it seemed curious, that someone would take so much trouble. What else had been buried nearby? Well, I was ultimately directed to Arn’s Woodshop–then located on the main drag. It had moved at least twice since. I described the burial to Arn, showing him the multi-wrench, (all buckboards were supplied from the factory) Between customers, Arn made this statement: "I know what you have found–and, I am not going to ask you to take me to the place!" Arn had some deficiencies, but, greed was not one of them! Arn went on to explain to me, that the buckboard, and the way that it had been buried, had been involved in a very huge robbery–somewhere around Six and Seven Hundred Thousand Dollar, face value, in newly minted gold money, of four denominations. It consisted of Indian Annuities; Army Payroll–and Funding for the Caleb Rhoade’s Mine Quest. The date of the Robbery, was 1903. Somehow Harvey Logan, and other elements of the Wild Bunch, got a tip of this shipment, and laid plans to hijack it, at a place along the trail–which I shall not name here. The entire Escort, was killed to the man. One buckboard carried their food stuff–the other carried three strongboxes–while ten pack-mules carried the ballance of what I now know was $720,000.00 face value–in increments of $180,000.00, in different denominations. Arn’s best friend in Vernal: Larry Hacking, was correct, in his estimation to Arn. Sadly, he died before I could meet him. He was an Outfitter, in the area. ( No place has ever gripped my Soul, quite like the Vernal Area ). There are wonderful things, in the Uintah Basin, as well as the Uintah Mountains. (I can feel Her History). I do treasure all the things that Arn and I did together. He had a wealth of history of the area. I was in Vernal when he died. I even thought about looking him up. Wish I had. Now, Arn will have to accompany me as a Guarding Angel, when I go to check out that Long Lost Welles Fargo stagecoach, that he discovered in a cave, while deer hunting somewhere in the High Uintahs–in the 1960s. I have finally pinpointed it, after all these years.
So Harry Hubbard calls this guy a pathological liar, yet he believes these artifacts are authentic? What a schmuck!
Interesting that the Book of Mormon was translated from reformed Egyptian.
Some of these have a Native American motif, and others Egyptian. Some even look Greek or maybe Phoenician. All of them lack the workmanship found on artifacts found at sites that are known to be authentic articles from these civilizations. Some look like they were made in an elementary school 3rd grade art class. Most are of a workmanship/artistic level that is sub par to articles that are known to be authentic. I’m skeptical.
Terry, you need to look up Klaus Dona. I remember watching one of his presentations wherein he talked about Burrows Cave and how he had a friend of his do an aerial scan of the area to see if there are more chambers. He showed that there are numerous chambers that have not yet been explored.
Maybe it’s Phoenecian artifacts found in the Americas, not Egyptian. Maybe the Ancient Egyptians, before the Dynastic Egyptians, were Phoenician.
Big If True.