Lost Treasure and Dimensional Anomalies: The Legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine (Episode #51)

Lost Treasure and Dimensional Anomalies: The Legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine (Episode #51)

The legend of the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine is said to have originated with Jacob Waltz, a German immigrant known as “The Dutchman”. The legend says that Waltz discovered a rich vein of gold somewhere in the Superstition Mountains during the 1870s. On his deathbed in 1891, Waltz reportedly revealed the mine’s location to Julia Thomas, a neighbor who had cared for him in his final days. Countless treasure hunters have searched for his mine and some have never returned, which according to legend is due to a curse. Where is the Dutchman’s Lost Gold Mine? Is it cursed? Does it only exist in another dimension? Or in a different timeline?
Theme Music by Dethlehem (dethlehem.bandcamp.com)
Website: www.mysteriouspals.com
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– Bark, Dennis. *Gold, Glory, and the Lost Dutchman’s Mine*. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1989.
– Gentry, Curt. *The Killer Mountains: The Perils and Perils of Treasure Hunting in the Superstitions*. New York: Signet, 1968
– Roberts, Bob. *The Lost Dutchman’s Mine: Fact, Fiction, and Legend*. Phoenix: Southwestern Treasures Press, 1995
– Storm, Barry. *Thunder God’s Gold*. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1945.
– “The Peralta Stones: A New Look at an Old Mystery.” *Arizona Highways*, May 2004
– Sikorsky, Robert. *The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz: The Peralta Stone Maps*. Desert Publications, 1993
– Feldman, James A. *The Peralta Stones: Spanish Treasure Maps or Modern Hoax?* University of New Mexico Press, 2001
– Purcell, Jack. *Missions and Mines: Jesuit Activities in the American Southwest*. Historical Press, 1985
– Glover, T.E. *Dr. Thorne’s Expedition: A Journey into the Superstitions*. Frontier Publishers, 1978
– Dinwiddie, Edwin. “Geological Features of the Superstition Mountains.” *Journal of Southwestern Geology*, vol. 12, no. 3, 1965, pp. 45-67
– Browning, Susan M. *Legends and Lore: Debunking the Myth of the Lost Dutchman’s Mine*. Skeptical Inquirer Publications, 2004
00:00:00 – Beginning
00:00:10 – Introduction
00:05:10 – The Legend of the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine
00:34:10 – Tangent On
00:35:30 – Tangent Off
00:37:00 – Supporting Information
00:46:50 – Common Theories
01:08:40 – Our Theories
01:17:50 – Closing
The Mysterious Pals is a mysterious show about history and friendship.
#mystery, #history, #unsolved, #losttreasure, #thegoldrush, #treasurehunt, #americansouthwest,#arizona,#lostdutchman,#gold

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