Lost Treasure Waiting To Be Found In Every State Episode 5
Lost Treasure Waiting To Be Found In Every State Episode 5
This channel features true authentic tales of buried and lost treasure in a documentary style. Our stories are from our files of over 45 years of research in old historical newspapers, family biographies, and other historical archives of people who buried or hid hoards of gold and silver coins, as well as paper money and raw bullion. A big percentage of our lost treasure stories have not been published in over 50 to 150 years, which means you’ve probably never before seen them on YouTube, the internet, or anywhere else.
Our treasure tales are produced by reading you the newspaper articles or other documents word for word, so you get them exactly as they appeared all those years ago. Since we’re using old newspaper files, many times those articles use derogatory terms when referring to slaves, blacks, and native Americans, so we do edit that type of wording.
We produce videos very often so be sure to subscribe to our channel, and hit your notification button so you don’t miss any episodes.
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#losttreasure #buriedtreasure #treasurehunting #losttreasurefound #buriedtreasurefound #losttreasuredocumentaries #unsolvedtreasuremysteries
The first story in this episode is the lost treasure of Gold of Reuben Bennett who was hiding out in Hamilton County Iowa.
The next story is the lost treasure of the confederate gold camel caravan buried on the Holmes farm in Robert Louisiana.
Free Lewis buried his lost treasure in Georgia.
The lost treasure of Joab Patterson was buried in Jeffersdon County Tennessee.
The lost treasure found story is about Henry Sheff, who buried gold coins and jewelry all over his 54 acre estate near Parkersburg, West Virginia.
Better get your metal detector ready!
Big Tree Fall in Forest by Kinoton — https://freesound.org/s/494071/ — License: Creative Commons 0
Pics from unsplash.com
Epic Chase by MaxKoMusic | https://maxkomusic.com/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Bet you know of the Reno gang of Indiana.
Would make good video.
South Central Kentucky
Are they any SC stashes
Any of northern New Mexico? Around the Pecos area?
We welcome any and all comments
It’s in his wife’s grave
Comment on the state that you live in and we’ll post a story in that state as soon as possible.
Have you done one on wisconsin yet, if so which number ?
north idaho
I would love to hear an unknown treasure story from Florida.
I’m in El paso Texas. I’ve heard some stories and the one that got my attention the most is a "hand of god" site in the Franklin mountains. Ain’t been able to get any more information on even a description of that type of that type of site but it’s supposed to be extremely valuable. Possibly Jesuit or really old Spanish, even heard aztec mentioned. What sucks is a lot of that range is locked up by the military and that makes me believe there’s something there even more.
Michigan i cant really find much info on any