Louisiana's Myths and Legends Byway

Louisiana's Myths and Legends Byway

You’ll love Louisiana’s Myths and Legends Byway, a drive based on true stories, tall tales and a gunslinger named Leather Britches Smith. Beginning in southwestern Louisiana at the Texas state line, the byway travels through mostly flat land originally settled by the Atakapa and Coushatta Indians. Later, the area’s abundant forests led to the creation of sawmill towns. Today, visitors will find pine forests, blackberry farms, rodeos and friendly people ready to share their stories.
Learn more: https://byways.louisianatravel.com/byway/myths-and-legends-byway


  1. Randomusername321 on February 9, 2023 at 11:06 am

    Cool Video! It looks like you know a lot about Louisiana, I was wondering if you knew about Mardi Gras. I just made my very first video on it and was wondering if someone from Louisiana could review my video I would really appreciate it. Obviously you don’t have to but it’s only about 2 minutes long. You really don’t have to and it’s totally understandable because as realize how annoying this is, but you could I would appreciate it

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