Metal Detecting One of the Oldest Homes in Alabama
Metal Detecting One of the Oldest Homes in Alabama
You’ve seen the entire home in another video, now it’s time to see what got buried. Short first run, I will be back.
Metal Detecting One of the Oldest Homes in Alabama
You’ve seen the entire home in another video, now it’s time to see what got buried. Short first run, I will be back.
that dog skeleton is creepy af and you can tell it’s been there for ages
what metal detector do you use
It is an out right shame that a house of that age can not be fully restored to its former glory.
Don’t know if you will see this comment but the strange, pointed thing is the tip on a lightening rod. They were attached to long brass rods that ran along the outside of the building. I have one exactly like it, including the odd bend in it. I got mine dumpster diving, when workers threw it away, while working on the exterior of the old boarding house on the street I lived on. The boarding house sat right in front of a railroad stop in a small town in Alabama. When I first moved there it still had the original blue glass globe that sat under the point. Vandals smashed it. The boarding house had the original carriage house sitting next to it until it burned down. Probably vandals, also.
No exciting finds but great sense of humor kept me watching
During the Civil War, when Gen. James H. Wilson’s cavalry corps passed through northeastern Alabama while en route to Selma, local residents were asked to conceal their home valuables by burying them in the ground, for fear of them being taken by the Union soldiers. Enjoyed watching your excitement at searching for old relics. Greetings from Israel.
why do people insist on using one hand to hold camera, and the other one to perform work. a go pro is NOT that expensive.
The long spear shaped brass or coper thing is the tip of a lightning rod!
I believe that’s the old Turner home outside Talladega.
I’ve hunted places like that, looks good but full of sht
That’s definitely how spoons used to work.
You would think that a place like that would hold a treasure trove of old coins and relics in the yard. But I’ve seen colonial coins dug out of parks and bottle caps and clad coins come up out of some of the oldest places you can find. Sometimes, it makes no sense. Your videos and narration are funny and enjoyable. Looking forward to more. New subscriber.
"Pepsi or Coke, I don’t know. You can never tell, with no smell." You poetic and sh*t or whatever. I like it!
It should help if you had a little higher grade detector.
I’ll never watch another video you guy’s make. Because you’re videos suck .they really do don’t quit your day job
Looked like the tip of a civil war sward or tip from a fence .
What a beautiful home. Would love so much to explore and restore
Gravel was probably the driveway
If you never found out, the three bladed thing is a vintage lighting rod end.
Those things on the roof are part of a Lighting Rod System Very popular in the early 1900s..
Chain and thanks, too
look like hunted house
I don’t understand why every hole you dig you hold the pinpointer over the hole and over the clump of dirt & it beats both times. I guess you double check the whole, I don’t know it seems like it’s giving false readings or there’s two objects in every hole.
600000 people watched you dig up pull tabs for 37 minutes and I am one of them
You are hilarious! I love it!
The problem with a house that has been occupied by many generations, is that you have all those generations of targets to get thru before you find the good old stuff.
Love that beautiful old home. Thanks for sharing. I kept chanting, “Coin! Coin! Coin!”, hoping you could find some true treasure. But, the treasure in this vid is the home, the digging, and your comments.👍
4washers in a set.and two aluminum cans.LETS TOSS SOME.
What is up with your pin pointer is it a fake one seems to be playing up
Go Inside this House:
You know what’s crazy I’m currently a maintenance man. I have been doing this for thirty years. I enjoy doing it to. But what’s crazier is that I love metal detecting as well. Good luck young man. I hope your future is always great and awarding.
I would try looking below the edge of the porch where someone might have dropped money etc.and it rolled off the porch and went down in the ground below and also around the staircases at the foot of them. Also around the bases of any big trees that would have been shade trees for whoever was there way back when to sit under
Hair in ear, really lol, love it!
Looks like a tent stake.
Im a new subscriber from Australia, southeastern NSW an hour or so from the snowfields. Blessings, Dot
The way you say granddaddy is super satisfying 🤣
How large is the thimble? Small enough for a woman, or large enough for a man sewing up a bag or bale of something?
Civil war bayonet! I hope you kept it.
Why wouldn’t you just discriminate out the pull tabs?
People were drinking lots of canned drinks and flipping the tabs onto the front lawn from the porch. Just shoot.n the bull on a Sunday afternoon
How can I PM you at Alabama Exploring? I have a potentially valuable tip that you may not be aware of. A tip some of the oldest and since passed relations of mine told me about. I don’t want to put it out publicly…
Wish you could do interview video with the old man’s storys !
I’ve seen lots of abandoned old civil war era cabins around here in SC. Would really love to find a Confederate States of America coin. Do you need permission to metal detect around those areas? Or do you just go for it? Just curious. Thank you.
That’s my problem a Hair poking my brain,, hahaha my wife might buy that excuse, I have her Google it LOL.
Brass find-could be part of weather vane??
What’s the link for inside the house
Been there and have beautiful photos Turner
Love it! Keep making the videos, you have a great sense of humour and show a great level of enthusiasm. We had planned to come over to the State this summer, but it isn’t going to happen. Hopefully we can come and experience the great southern hospitality next year. Stay safe, can’t wait to get out with my metal detector after lock down (UK).