Missing in Alaska: DANGEROUS Creatures Target Alaskan Residents *2 Hour Marathon*
Missing in Alaska: DANGEROUS Creatures Target Alaskan Residents *2 Hour Marathon*
Tales of Bigfoot sightings are reported globally but the Alaskan version is the most extreme, standing over 14 feet. Is this massive, aggressive creature targeting people in the Alaska Triangle? See more in this marathon from Missing in Alaska.
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Monkey? More likely a Great Aps, as monkeys don’t get big or eat meat… people do NOT know the difference of monkeys and Great Apes. Apes are gorilla’s and chimps.
Yes I agree with the guy that eyewitness testimony is the strongest thing!
portlock wasn’t really a mining town, it’s a fishing town🤔🤔😞😞😞😞🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲
I think if ya’ll just just picked thru some Bear 💩 you would find 99% of those missinng in Alaska.
Another story.
We don’t need grandma to tell us fairytale anymore.
Imagine if they actually saw/heard something while "hunting". Their acting would become real, real quick.
ofc they are well prepared with that 1 pistol and those flashlights from the dollar store…
Lmao too funny
Bunch of bs
Incredibly stupid why is history such a garbage channel?
They sure are being loud and noisy. I wouldn’t want to be loud noisy if I thought there were some hairy man around unless they think they’re going to scare it away.
I’d say Jenna got attacked my a MARLO. They should probably check Marlo’s basement
Drugs bro.😂
What I don’t understand is when they say that Sasquatch or hairy men are guardians of nature then why do they knock some money perfectly good trees down and drag trash from people’s houses out into the woods and stuff? How was killing perfectly good trees protecting nature? And it’s pure speculation that the spiny thing in the tree is to say keep away , we don’t know why they did it. PURE GUESSWORK AND PURE SPECULATION.
Could you make any more noise you are tracking something so be quieter
That black cowboy hat has got to go!! AND in the woods at night With ONLY A BLOWGUN with darts?? REALLY? Rather Blair Whitch projoct, running around in the dark, poor video, … too much!
He threw that girl in the dumpster and that dude at the diner didn’t have a whole lot to say about it he’s acting more weird than the other guy
Ok up to the point they tested the rock I was all in…. but i have to give them a " COME ON MAN !! " …WTF… i do believe there’s something out there that doesn’t like us humans unless it sees us as a food source , I did at one time think just maybe they could be aliens and maybe there’s different types of these aliens and one might be 15ft tall hairy with a taste for human flesh….
All of these shows are the same just another way of entertaining people nothin more nothing less …
I can’t stand when shows and people talk about the whole "millions" of years ago as though it’s settled science and it’s a fact. It’s not a fact and it’s the furthest thing from settled science that it could be. I’ve studied some of these fossils and remains that were claimed to be that old and it doesn’t hold up.
wait if that guy’s brother got attacked and had scratches to prove it wouldnt there be a photo at least or his own brothers testimony?
and wouldnt that have been in newspapers across the country along w the photo of said scratches?
Anyone else find that leather skull hat really punishing? He chose that hat, on purpose…. that is something that happened. That… hat… he chose it.
I live in the Yukon. Hairy-man is real. Its not some enormous giant, its just the local term for Sasquatch.
holy crap…I AM A HUGE FAN HERE
but i see more grey zones inside the presention.
Have you thought about maybe it is a burial site? Perhaps they just like those rocks!😊
If they really thought they were going to find something extremely large and dangerous they would carry an arsenal but still love the stories
Did everyone forget this is ENTERTAINMENT? Y’all are upset and ranting for nothing lmfao. Remember, YOU clicked on the video. YOU watched it. Relax
33:44 THAT’S AN ACTOR🗣️🗣️🗣️ He’s the perfect example when I tell people they use actors for these segments
Bro ok i get it im tell but you dont need to call me big foot
For gosh sake why do they always have to have a skeptic on there? And I think he’s just acting. Let him go stay and some remote cabin along the Yukon River by himself and he will have an encounter I assure you of that!
If there is anything out there, these dudes arent gonna be the ones to find it.
Well, the scenery is fantastic!❤😊
I love how they come across the branches protruding out of the tree and they take that as a sign. Really? Yes, because no human could have done that, or stacked rocks that way. I am less inclined to believe a man that would wear a laughable, “cowboy hat” like the one Ken wears, ditch the hat dude. Jax, Tommy, and Ken are all so ridiculous and I wouldn’t believe them if they said they found a bear in the forest.
What I don’t understand is when they say that Sasquatch or hairy men are guardians of nature then why do they knock some money perfectly good trees down and drag trash from people’s houses out into the woods and stuff? How was killing perfectly good trees protecting nature? And it’s pure speculation that the spiny thing in the tree is to say keep away , we don’t know why they did it.
God bless that lady that went missing and her family as well, never knowing.
This is not just a legend and most folklore or legend by native people always end up being true. People need to pay attention to what they say. I listen to Fred Rohl @subarcticAlaskasasquatch where all of his stories are from people in Alaska or people that have visited Alaska and they are horrendous stories many of them. Not the soft and cuddly Bigfoot of the lower 48. Even though there have been very aggressive ones yes I believe the ones in Alaska are man killers and are giants and I wonder sometimes if they’re related to the nephilim.
0:56 🤔🤔 who was that that moved inside the car look at window left bottom side dark shadow moves quickly😁
Man did not cause the major extinction event that took place 12,000 years ago. It was likely a disintegrating comet. Man may have played a part in the very men, but he was not the cause of such an event. To continue propagating this preposterous "theory" is extremely disappointing. There was a major celestial event. Every ancient culture speak of this event. Whether it’s the flood of Noah, the tale of Gilgamesh, the Egyptians, the surviving cultures of the Americans or Atlantis itself, ALL have a flood myth that’s been past down through the Generations. Stop blaming Man!! It’s extremely silly to think humans alone could kill an estimated 4 million mammoths…. just Mammoths alone, with adaladdle’s. I’m not sure they could have done it unless given a few of the Lazer guns from the original Contra game on the original NES.
What I don’t understand is when they say that Sasquatch or hairy men are guardians of nature then why do they knock some money perfectly good trees down and drag trash from people’s houses out into the woods and stuff? How was killing perfectly good trees protecting nature? And it’s pure speculation that the spiny thing in the tree is to say keep away , we don’t know why they did it. Pure speculation and guess work.
We are all a bit stupider for seeing this.
Am I to believe these guys are looking for some large, aggressive creature in the forest at night and they are not carrying any weapons? Wait looks like they have one pistol. Really. That’s all. LOL. That’s unlikely to stop a large bear.
I’m thinking about sleeping out in the one area for about 4 months so I need to figure out a GoFundMe thing with all the high tech nology just to see if there is Bigfoot just so no one feels cheated on or faked out with any of this stuff
38:02 and the faking really begins, and I’m off to find something better to watch 🥱👋🏾
The 3 stooges
These guys going into a place where hairy man drove out a town of miners is like sending in cupcakes for dessert!
Is anyone else actually looking at those footprints and looking out it looks like a bunch of random finger marks across the whole thing. Those are the fake footprints I ever seen in my life in that wet of area. Those things would be a lot deeper, especially the size of them
walking around in the woods at night talking as loud as possible wearing head beams, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm IMsuprised yyou dont find anything 🤔🤔🤔