Nevada Publications | Ghost Town Maps | Treasure Hunters Guide

Nevada Publications | Ghost Town Maps | Treasure Hunters Guide Stanley W. Paher is the owner, writer, and operator of Nevada Publications located in Reno, Nevada. Nevada Publications Bookstore has hundreds of books about the Western States of Nevada, California, and Arizona. Many of these books have been compiled and written by Stanley Paher. There are books on Ghost Towns, Mining maps, Cities, Places and people in Stan’s Nevada Publications Bookstore.

Squaw Tom Speaks, Robert Laxalt: The Story of a Storyteller, Fearful Crossing, Fort Churchill, Nevada Trivia, California Gold Country, Goldfield Hotel, A Field Guide to Nevada Grasses, Death Valley Cabins, Arizona Treasure Hunter’s Ghost Town Guide, Aurora: Ghost City of the Dawn, Beatty Frontier Oasis, Before the Nukes , Bodie Bonanza, Bodie Boomtown: Gold Town, Bodie: Mines Are Looking Well, Comstock Conflagration, The California Star , Breaks, Brains and Balls, Callville: Head of Navigation Arizona Territory, Nevadans: The Spirit of the Silver State, Eastern California Treasure Hunters Ghost Town Guide, Elegance on C Street

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