Once In A Lifetime Experience…. (Hawaii Highlight Reel) | Jiggin' With Jordan
Once In A Lifetime Experience…. (Hawaii Highlight Reel) | Jiggin' With Jordan
This Is the ultimate Hawaii video! Hope you enjoy the video! New? Subscribe and help me reach 100K Subscribers!! https://goo.gl/jO9j96
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Like the Livingston Lures I was using? Check it out and save 20% off!
Gear I Wear:
Glasses: https://goo.gl/JooH23
Hat: https://goo.gl/7qWn1F
Rods And Reels I Use:
Rods: https://goo.gl/pdOl4z
Black Lews reel: https://goo.gl/SlEVrs
Black and gold Lews reel: https://goo.gl/MSBhP6
White Lews reel: https://goo.gl/fOWIzi
Gray and gold Lews reel: https://goo.gl/59eWFI
Camera Equipment used:
Gopro Camera: https://goo.gl/54BMXu
External Gopro Mic: https://goo.gl/QIx2nO
Big Shiny Camera: https://goo.gl/O9glAK
Big Camera Lens: https://goo.gl/KyUndW
Big Camera Mic: https://goo.gl/UXjaOv
Wind Diffuser: https://goo.gl/JBqb83
Drone: https://goo.gl/6EfDCz
Kayak: https://goo.gl/YNGr2t
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For Business Inquiries ONLY Please Email: Jigginwithjordan@gmail.com
About Jiggin With Jordan:
I search for River Treasure in some of the most beautiful places in the world! My friends and I dive down and look for lost valuables and try to get the items back to the owner! We clean up all the trash we find along the way! Join me on all my adventures here on YouTube!!
Once In A Lifetime Experience…. (Hawaii Highlight Reel) | Jiggin’ With Jordan
Jiggin With Jordan
What did u do to your eye
awesome man
What’s up
With the eye
I love how you edit this video! Everything looks like so much fun
Hell yeah bro, looked like you had a blast! Awesome footage 👍
Loved the Hawaii series and all of the videos you did they were all really cool
I think you might have pink eye lol
Best video!!!
Is your eye good fam
What drone do you use?
that was a awesome trip Hawaii bro. your almost at 100k subs. way to go man. take care buddy.
Simply DOPE
LOVIN’ this!!!! Who is the music by?
Loved the video!!!
May God continue to bless you and your friends and family.
Can y’all subscribe please I have some catch and cooks coming up
Whoa dude that is absolutely incredible! You guys are awesome and have inspired me to push myself and I just wanna make a note that I’m gonna try really hard to get to eventually meet you guys. Love this video bro. Great effects, good song, and great video editing. Amazing man cant wait to see how far u go
god thats so beautiful..
pink eye?
What happened to your eye jiggin with jordan?
I love your vids they are always interesting to me and I think it’s really cool how you pick up all the trash and return peoples phone to the rightful owner
are you ok your eye is red
everyone who subscribe made you able to go to Hawaii
What song did you use?
So cool fam 💪💪💪👌👌👍👍👍
100k to 2m plus👌🔥
Good pile!
Love the vids bro and you definitely deserve more likes
I bet everyone that watches ur videos gets excited when u upload a new video!
Hawaii is amazing..great video…your friend "CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY”
Broooo thats soo sick man!! btw i wanna go fishing with you guys some day! much love from Canada!
Plz sub to my channel called Carter storm
what editing software did you use? looks so awesome!
Loved it but it’s to short!
Soo Polluted not good;
The beat thing about this whole trip was you could see in his video’s how happy he was to be there and how much he appreciated the whole thing x
what’s wrong your eye lid
Dope video dude!!! Side note….what happened to your eye? Lol
Great video
Lmfao 2:12
Jordan you are so talented. Thanks for allowing your viewers to see your awesome adventure there in Hawaii.
Spear fishing!! Yes!!
the footage is Awesome!
Highlight "reel" get it cuz he’s a fishing challenge
Amazing video man!!
That was straight fire man! Amazing experience. Editing was top notch. Keep up the great work!
What happened to your eye??
waitin on that nightime gar fishing by the trusty GT LIGHTBAR!!! great vid! you gonna have a 100k vid??
That was AMAZING!!!!
ay it was nice meetin ya love the vids makes me miss hawaii…-that hibbett sports guy lol