Pirate Captain Kidd part I – Treasure Hunting

Pirate Captain Kidd part I – Treasure Hunting

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According to books newspaper articles magazine features and local legends famous pirate captain william kidd buried his treasure in hundreds of spots throughout the world the most popular designated locations for his hidden loot however seem to be in new england people have been searching for it for almost three centuries and a bit of it has been found the first to dig up some of kids buried gold silver and jewels was richard coote alias lord belmont governor of new york massachusetts and new hampshire at gardner’s island of the eastern end of long island new york with the help of the massachusetts militia he uncovered 91 pounds and eight ounces of gold bars and gold does not 196 pounds of silver bars and coins and two pounds of diamonds and other precious stones but this was back in 1699. another hefty portion of kids loot was uncovered at konanikat island now jamestown rhode island in 1891. it was found by workmen digging a cellar hall under the summer house of seth rose the 17th century home was once owned by a pirate named tom payne who was one of kid’s mates according to bob voss seth grandson a quantity of elephant tusks silver coins and gold doubloons were found very deep under the house by two workmen bob vose who lives in duxbury massachusetts today goes on to say that i was told by my grandfather that one of the men digging the cellar soon after finding the treasure and supposedly turning over what he found left my grandfather’s employ moved to new hampshire bought two houses and retired from the life of hard labor charles sanderson of kingston massachusetts a successful treasure hunter who recently uncovered the archaeological riches of the revolutionary war wreck general arnold in the mudflats of plymouth harbor said that he uncovered new evidence indicating that kids long lost treasure is buried under logan airport in boston massachusetts sanderson informed that kid’s great great great grandson had discovered an old jar in the attic of his connecticut home the jar contained a coated map which located a small island in boston harbor now covered with tarmac as the spot where kid buried his treasure before sailing into boston where he was arrested and jailed by lord belmont other treasure hunters believe that he buried his treasure at nearby deer island now part of winthrop where many silver coins were found by workmen building a sea wall there in the earlier part of the century because of the deer island jail treasure hunters do not have access to the island right now

unless permission is granted to search deer island

maine is another presumed location of kids buried lou supposedly as william kidd was escorted under guard to the gallows in england he whispered a series of numbers to his devoted wife but the numbers four four one zero six eight one eight always remained a mystery to her in nine in 1894 noted astronomer david todd of amherst college revealed the meaning of the number code it’s a longitude and latitude numbers they are coordinates of latitude and longitude of exactly dear island may 4410 by 68 13. this is the precise location of deer island may was very similar to the numbers presented to mrs kidd by her condemned husband deer island had been owned by the olmsted family of maine since 1696. it had been given as a gift by the penobscot indian chief to cotton mother olmstead that year after cotton successfully treated the chief’s wounds when he was mauled by a bear in 1894 after professor todd revealed his solution to captain kids number code marion olmsted made an intensive search of the island for the treasure and found a hidden cave at the water’s edge that flooded twice a day at the high tide inside the cave on its sandy floor reported marion to her father fred olmsted who on the island was a rectangular hole in a clay about 15 by 30 inches on the surface and about 15 inches deep the bottom of the hole and sides were heavily coated with iron rust an iron box apparently had been removed as there were various legends relative to the presence of captain kidd up on the main coast the discovery of the excavation was sufficient to awaken eager interest in the question of the ironbox and the person who carried it away after researching old family journals and diaries fred and marion discovered that in 1801 a canadian named jacques cortea had tried to buy deer island from their ancestor oliver olmsted but he refused to sell cartier rented a portion of the island from olmsted instead and built himself a cabin he remained on the island only a few months and then disappeared never to be seen or heard from again by oliver armstead oliver recorded that he visited cartier’s abandoned cabin one day and found part of a letter on the cabin floor which read that that absolute secrecy must be observe


  1. Tom Shively on February 28, 2023 at 9:45 am

    Very interesting nice research!

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