Spooky Lantern Cave And Gold Mine Tour! Descending 1000 Feet Down!
Spooky Lantern Cave And Gold Mine Tour! Descending 1000 Feet Down!
Spooky Lantern Cave And Gold Mine Tour! Descending 1000 Feet Down!
Welcome to that YouTub3 Family! We are a fun, crazy, and loving family that likes to do outrageous things together. We encourage families to spend time together playing everyone’s favorite childhood games as seen in videos throughout our channel, to go explore their world and have an adventure together, finding new ways to connect. We hope that you find our videos inspirational and that they will encourage you to GO PLAY!
Our Kids:
Audrey (21 yrs)
Jordan (19yrs)
Jake (16 yrs)
Ty (12 yrs)
That YouTub3 Family – The Adventurers Merchandise: https://theadventuresguide.com/
Disclaimer: This channel is monitored and managed by adults. All our videos, including pranks, are planned and staged for Entertainment Purposes. You should never attempt anything we do at home or assume that what you are seeing is real.
For Business Inquiries Please Email:
Music: Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/nZTMJ
#TY3F #TY3Family #theadventurers
Thanks For Watching! Make Today An Adventure and GO PLAY!
-That YouTub3 Family / The Adventurers
Everybody in ThatYoutub3 Family, they’re very funny and more silly people in the earth
The bandits are late this year
Can you please do the bandits
Not that spooky least their light in their
Your family is so nice.
I love your guys videos but I would like some more of granny because it was funny and I hope you guys can keep up with the work
It was my birthday August 5th
maybe Abigail is related to the doll maker scary story plus Abigail equals the doll maker or the dolls was Made with there curse
Hmmm Abigail
Abigail sounds familiar…
Is there a possible link?…
There was a rainbow when he was talking about Abigail as soon as y’all left the cave
Love ur videos but pls do more dollmaker and bandits
I remember watching all these videos a long time ago
Heyyy guys pls do more bandits or dollmaker :))))
Ngl I remember when I used to have a crush on ty lol but now I like someone else it was a whole year ago when I liked ty lol
Where is Jordan just wording??
Hey guys Can you guys please continue the dollmaker series this year?
Where did Tyler get his pants
I love your videos! Can u plz do a musical pie video plz
Ther was a rainbow behind David when he was takling about they saw Abigail in the cav be for they left
Oh no
Hey katie Cutie pie How many percent of your body is Native American??

4:25 and 6:00 Im sure this is part of the doll maker because of the name Abigail and how the music got more intense at that part im so excited!
I love your videos and I most like the dollmaker videos
loveee youuu giyyysss!!!!! plssss do shout out
You should try goldfield ghost town and gold mine in Arizona
What if he is the doll maker since he was talking about someone named Abigail!
you made beautiful doe~
Hows the dollmaker gonna work without jordie
Hey katie how was mine trip did the kids have fun
pls dddooo a shout out
Is it the same one that always try to take over Jorden around halloween.
Are they still going to Vancouver? Wonder when those videos will be out
Ooooo maybe the doll maker is coming back cause of the Abigail story
Davids like the dad ive never had
U realise it’s nearly Fall so dollmaker?
I love all of theese adventure vlogs I loved your last one with audrey and Spencer on scary ride you all are amazing
I love you guys I also love dollmaker videos please make more
Hey that Youtub3 family how r y’all doin
You guys are awesome
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