The Cherokee Red Bank Tribe's Buried Treasure

The Cherokee Red Bank Tribe's Buried Treasure

When Native Americans were forced off their land by the U.S. Government in Georgia, the Red Bank Tribe decided to hide some of their gold there so they could retrieve it later. Unfortunately, they were never to return to their land to retrieve it. Today, people are still hunting for the missing loot…


  1. @bethbartlett5692 on August 10, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    I hope the Cherokee are taking advantage of their Reservation Land and Status to establish Corporations, Casinos, etc, to enjoy the advantage of "Tax Free Earnings", through which they can recoup vast financial resources owed to them for lands lost and countless broken treaties and promises.

    I look forward to a time of Harmony for all the grandchildren of the Native Peoples, whom in the past suffered the challenges, physically and emotionally, as well as the Immugrants, those whom suffered through their learned ignorance, both actually victims of the few whom manipulated the masses for their power and profits.

    In this time, with the knowledge of the fundamental "Universal Laws", particularly the "Universal Law of Attraction", which defined how we each create our own reality through the "Energy, Vibration, and Frequency" 9f our:
    "Thoughts + Feelings X Beliefs"
    = Our Frequency
    = Our Reality

    Each of us have the opportunity to choose to establish a habit of being:

    "Conscious in Thought" + "Applying Higher Mind" aka Mature Mind,
    (Which holds all our Positive Thought Energies and where Wisdom resides.)

    We each have the further opportunity to gain the understanding 8f this and get about the point of our Life Journeys, which is the "Creating of Our Hopes and Dreams", while holding a mutual respect and love for all.

    It is the dawn of a Golden Age, and the Lower Minded drama and chaos seems to be reflective as things are shifting towards the Positive and Greater Good.

    What we believe we create …

    Quantum Physics Science not Philosophy.

    … and i suspect, the Natuve Peoples have held this in their Ancient Knowledge, now they too are re-awakening and realizing the value of their Soul Self and its energy.

    Best Thoughts for Beautiful Nows …

    Tennessee, USA
    Irish of Basque Orgin

    … which is shared in DNA with some of the Iroquois, Cherokee, and Navajo Peoples.

    DNA is revealing greater facts of History, more than any Mainstream Academic’s "Theory based Paradigm"

    Guess those Basque were Sailing, in spite of what the Mainstream Academics want to admit, certainly way before Columbus.

    We all are Citizens of this Planet … all are worthy …


  2. @charlenemock333 on August 10, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    my whole family is originally from from Georgia and I’m Cherokee, Irish, and White. I’m gonna have to start Researching Our Family Trees! This Video Put Me Over The Edge, making me want to Research It Even More!!! THANK YOU For Sharing!✌️

  3. @cowboykelly6590 on August 10, 2024 at 4:48 pm

    😢 Those boys GOT A RAW DEAL !😮

  4. @PorchHonkey on August 10, 2024 at 5:06 pm


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