The Chinese Who Came to Idaho

The Chinese Who Came to Idaho

The Idaho Statesman has named the Chinese migration to Boise and Idaho City in the 19th century one of its Top 50 Stories since the newspaper’s founding 150 years ago in 1864. A Boise expert on the migration explores how and why it happened and what it means today. You might also be interested in another Top 50 Stories video, The Oregon Trail in Idaho’s Treasure Valley. The Top 50 Stories will be published daily through July 6. Readers will then vote on the Top 10 stories, which will be part of a commemorative section July 26, the Statesman’s 150th birthday.


  1. Shadow H on April 1, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    Dko naintindihan hehehhee

  2. Kumabear on April 1, 2023 at 5:36 pm

    Can someone explain to me the sudden influx of Chinese residents in Boise from 2018-2020? Where are they coming from. Just within the last two years I’ve noticed a massive increase. From the looks of it, they haven’t been in America long.

  3. live love and laugh on April 1, 2023 at 5:50 pm

    Come to california Look at every Chinese ran store you any other races working there no because they come here and build there own city’s with in city’s they don’t want to unite I’m not racist just reality good luck Idaho I hope the Chinese feed the homeless

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