THINGS GOT WEIRD Metal Detecting a Plantation House from 1850 in Mississippi!
THINGS GOT WEIRD Metal Detecting a Plantation House from 1850 in Mississippi!
THINGS GOT WEIRD Metal Detecting a Plantation House from 1850 in Mississippi! When we started to crawl under the house things got really strange! Join us on this adventure as we find old relics, coins, silver coins, other metal detecting finds, and even the spooky!
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#historyseekers #metaldetecting
Just throw that Minelab on the ground!😣
About 30 years ago I got permission to detect a church yard and cemetary from the priest who lived there. I found tons of stuff! Silver,ford dollars,Indians you name it. I came back a week later with my silver eagle and two sets of batteries I charged over nite. When the first set went low I got the other set from the car and installed them. THEY WERE DEAD. I thought maybe I got them mixed up with the set I just removed and switched them but,THEY WERE ALL DEAD. That never happened to again,anywhere! It’s like someone said,"that’s enough".
I was wrong!
Hey guys! Great video!! I do my swinging up here in New Hampshire. I notice your numbers come up low on the display… like the brass ringing in the 20’s. Our brass rings in (usually) in the 50’s and 60’s. Is that just how your machines read, or is it soul composition?
The word Orange on the button refers to a particular colour of gilt, so originally the button was gilded.
you know how i know these guys are serious? look at their crocs… offroad mode: ACTIVATED!
Boom. Skilver in the hole
What happen to the under house footage?
Great video. I love the way you detecting and split screen history. Glad I found this.
What an awesome hunt! The repeated battery draining sounds like something paranormal to me. I don’t know if yall believe that sort of thing, but its well known in the paranormal community that spirits can and do drain batteries. It is believed they "steal" the energy for themselves or possibly just to keep you from entering, filming etc. There is no way that property doesn’t have its ghost stories as long as its been inhabited. Even if just residual type haunting, I’m sure the paranormal activity on that property is high. I can speak from experience, when you metal detect a haunted place, it stirs up activity for sure. Or it can atleast. I’m gonna have to watch the vid again to see if I can catch any anomalies or anything paranormal related! Really cool hunt here, exactly why I’m subscribed.
@bonezcustoms on Instagram
If the lighter is a zippo they have a lifetime warranty. Even in that condition. I’ve sent several in and received free replacements
Ghost 👻
Heathe you guys crack me up!🤣🤣thats crazy that the batteries died twice! What happened. Run out of batteries??? Would love too hunt with you all sometime! Happy hunting. Loved the infomercial lmao!
Awesome finds guys 👍 thanks For taking us along
Thats where the gold is burried
Nice video good job 👍🏻
Sometimes the bulbs burn out with headlamps.They usually supply a replacement in battery compartment.You mentioned the original cabin was located towards the back half.That would probably offer much older relics if it wasn’t already detected.
Shame to see such a beautiful historic mansion deteriorating and rotting away.
I would go back with a couple of super tactical flashlights and if they went dead, I would call in
some scientists to investigate because, I do not believe in ghost at all.
Strange natural phenomena, yes, spirits … no.
Rik Spector
Think y’all were scared to go under the house. Just kidding that’s strange the batteries went dead.
Yeppers, I don’t think Kelly or I will ever go under that house. Nope, not gonna do it!
I`m in LaSalle Parish Louisiana on 127-S near Catahoula Lake. I`ve been detecting since the 1970s. I have a Minelab Vanquish 340 and Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202. If you ever dig any history in my area I`d enjoy helping. I`m on disability for chronic pain but can still get around if I have my pain medication. All my time is free time except my monthly doctor visit. I`m also a pretty good acoustic guitar picker and singer and have a small PA system for doing small shows. My concert rider contains three requests…two 5ths of Evan Williams black label…one for the show…one for the hangover (you don`t want me having to brew rot gut for the gig I tell ya!) …and a six pack of beer as a chaser. Pack of Marlboro Reds is nice too. Saves time on hand rolling them. I have a small tent, plenty of portable solar power stations up to 700w size, 300ah 12v battery and 2000w inverter, plenty of portable solar panels, battery chargers, 12v cookers, small fans, power banks, lights, etc. Prepper gear. My music gear can be easily powered off grid by this stuff if needed.
Spirits drain batteries of their power. The mansion is haunted.
Yep, something didn’t want you looking under there.
I think the first target is a silver dime.
Got family in grenada,Grenada, Valley, duck hill, lexington…where yall from???
Sorry you had to do all that Heath. Pretty childish. Have a good day sir.
Found nothing worth mentioning but made a video anyway 😆
Great video guys, ghosts are hidding something under the house lol, Gary at Norcal
My dad used one of those lighters for many years.
Batteries dieing? That’s what happens when you cross… "the threshold"
I enjoy the metal detecting posts. Would love to go detecting with you on a civil war site someday
Hey guys if you search YouTube for channels that restore old damaged or corroded products you may be able to send that lighter to them and let them film a video of them cleaning it up and restoring it to almost brand new and they probably won’t charge you as long as you let them film the video. I think one of the channels I watch is called antique restoration, AR for short. Good find!
Hey I live in Oxford ms do you know a place to detect near me
They didn’t look like they were inntippy top shape might get stuck but I think scared. Who needs light?
Great finds ,always enjoy the channel!
This is my friend’s old house. Was in their family for years. Sold a few years back.
Braver man than me!
if you need a mapping service that doesn’t rely on a signal (other than GPS) download Maps.Me.
As long as you update the aps while using your home Wi-fi on the regular, it’ll see you right whatever your data signal situation may be
Spirits under the house were pulling energy from your batteries.
Great hunt, terrific spot to hunt or is that haunt. Love the old finds
Battery problem probably ghost related.
Cool finds , that was strange with the light and batteries. Thanks for sharing.
well….this wasn’t weird at all……this was all very mundane….I want my money back…
Portable gas generator, long lead cords and flood lights…no worries with battery drainage…do gopros have a cord option too or are they just battery packs ?
I got permission to hunt a large ranch in Comanche County Texas that had a very large 3 story house on it, buggy house included. The owner would walk up to within about 50 ft of the house but no closer. He said I have heard and seen things here and I promise you that the place is haunted. I was hunting with a long time treasure hunter and author named Jerry eckhart. We tried hunting the property on 2 different occasions and with a total of 6 detectors. NONE would work there. Jerry said I guess we aren’t wanted here and we left. By the way, all 6 detectors worked perfectly away from the place. 🙄😳😳
🔥🔥If you would like to order a metal detector directly from us and help support the channel you can call ☎️ 256-284-2247. 🔥🔥
Good morning x lovely day in the sunny sunshine ☀ filled 🏴 England. I do love those old buttons. So hefty, but elegant. Well done 💕 on your day. Importantly you got out and tried your best.
I noticed how you just throw your detector down on the ground. Like it was free or super cheap. I own a nox800 I set that thing down like It was expensive and I want it to last. Well to each their own.
Does anyone know the name of the Plantation,or the family that originally owned it?
Fantastic video! I like the way you did that one. I hate y’all didn’t get old silver. I figured that place would have been Trime central. Looks like y’all had a blast. Kevins let down on that rosie was priceless.