Treasure Hunting In The Uinta Mountains: Why Does This Mound Exist? What Secrets Are Found Inside?

Treasure Hunting In The Uinta Mountains: Why Does This Mound Exist? What Secrets Are Found Inside?

High up in the Uinta Mountains is an anomalous formation, unlike anything else in the state of Utah. This location matches the history found in oral traditions from Native Americans and from areas in Mesoamerica. The location has importance in treasure hunting history over the last two hundred years.

What is found up on this site combines the Conquistadors with giants of old … the gods of the ancient indigenous people of the Desert Southwest.

We go on a search for what lies below this mound and show the many difficulties faced when attempting to do so. History will be unveiled at this location. Will that information play a part in the phenomena seen on the Uinta Basin, especially at places like Skinwalker Ranch.


  1. @montneymon-ta-knee6810 on November 29, 2023 at 8:02 am

    5:52 the double looks like its staring at a dragon

  2. @sovereigncosmicwildman6943 on November 29, 2023 at 8:02 am

    Them rock stacks also go by "cairns", but they have many interpretations. It’s theorised that Sasquatch or Giants make those for either communication, burial reasons, energetic reasons etc etc

  3. @stardustblue3625 on November 29, 2023 at 8:02 am

    James, with your knowledge and detailed perspective, the guys over at Oak Island could probably use your expertise 🙂

  4. @howardfreeland5595 on November 29, 2023 at 8:03 am

    As a geologist, I cannot say how this feature was formed. It is definitely not a rock glacier. Technically, the rocks are not boulders, as they are not stream rounded.

  5. @annemarks7367 on November 29, 2023 at 8:05 am

    To Kenaan, I think it’s important enough to comment on ideas. The north, south lines of Arial glyph maybe show us, some areas, others, where settlements are of higher up? The mound is pointed at from the curved upper line as the East is important. Your exploration on it’s mound. Sun rises in the East. That is why, I assume the top East/West line of tabletop glyph presents a representation, perhaps, of helping to rotate the planet Earth. The diagram of shorter line, on tabletop, could represent it too. Then, above ground, as below ground too. Common practice. Lots of luck on this. Anne Marks.

  6. @keding9159 on November 29, 2023 at 8:07 am

    This reminds me a lot of the Capitan Mts in New Mexico. The whole range is granite boulders. They claim it was formed by a rock glacier but there are also tales of Aztec gold. I read a story years ago and I wish I could find it but a woman claimed that the whole range was at one time a megatropolis. Also, it is one of the few mountain ranges that runs east/west rather than north/south. The boulder fields are so deep that nothing grows on them. My son and husband say that some of the ‘holes’ created by the boulders are so deep that they would hate to fall in. It is also one of the sites of the Roswell crashes. There was more than one.

  7. @bertnerny759 on November 29, 2023 at 8:07 am

    You cant use gpr etc. here?

  8. @annemarks7367 on November 29, 2023 at 8:10 am

    Final message, I hope. But very familiar with Peru’s Nasca lines, this extremely urgently sensitive areas between road markers of 459 and all the way through 282, have an enormous lacework of Arial viewed glyphs. Save this spot and investigate if you can. Blessings to you.

  9. @annemarks7367 on November 29, 2023 at 8:10 am

    I’m sure early, super early, midnight or AM, the mountain will show a shift in energy heat release. A couple openings. Good luck.

  10. @annemarks7367 on November 29, 2023 at 8:18 am

    Final comment. About 1,200 feet, on Arial view, to the left, or west of this rock mound, starts an enormous Arial view glyph. Which shows to be almost 100 or more feet long. A table top looking thing. With left side three downward, south facing legs. Two downward facing legs are on the other right side of massive table top apparatuse. The neck ??! points from the Southeast side of tabletop, directly towards the skirting bottom half of the mound. No trees, oddly, growing over this highly unusual glyph marking, yet it stretches an enormous span. Check it out!

  11. @problemsolved3327 on November 29, 2023 at 8:24 am

    Very interest James.

  12. @charleenhuval4287 on November 29, 2023 at 8:25 am

    I admire your scientific research findings. At 5:44 minute marker the Treasure hunting video at Paradise Mound, the double exposure of the rock pile mound, portrays a long neck & head of a giant reptile/dragon. An anomaly?

  13. @erickrueger2869 on November 29, 2023 at 8:28 am

    Thank you James. The circular shape suggests created mound, not a glacier deposit. The difficulties that you encountered investigating this is why a great pile of stones is a proven and effective way to conceal a site. Compare this to a conical boulder mound created on the top of a mountain peak in Turkiye to protect a buried archaeological site. It is known as Nemrut Dagh. It is hard to understand how such a large feature was created on a remote mountain with difficult access. There was no large labor force in this proximity making it all the more remarkable.

  14. @jaredpetersen7343 on November 29, 2023 at 8:28 am

    Ohh yes cant wait for this hope they make a show on this mound like they did skinwalker ranch and what better cast members then u guys doing it. U deserve ur own history channel show. 🙂

  15. @legacyXplore on November 29, 2023 at 8:29 am

    This was fascinating.

  16. @howardfreeland5595 on November 29, 2023 at 8:39 am

    James – at 7:10 there is something different about this location. There are many small rocks near you and I do not see that at any other place in your video. Could that show that there is more soil and small rocks below and the large, random rocks were placed on top? I am familiar with many igneous rock structures in the west, including Devil’s Tower, Ruby Mtn, in Colorado, domes in NPs in Utah, and I have never seen an area where there is no bedrock exposed at the surface. Is the rock a rhyolite? Was all the bedrock highly broken through natural processes? It almost looks like a man made structure.

  17. @annemarks7367 on November 29, 2023 at 8:40 am

    Again, on similar signs, glyphs, as this East — West connection seems to be the clue (!), I would consider the great mound has sensitive data at Summer Solstice location. Present day signs might be buried there.

  18. @tracygardner841 on November 29, 2023 at 8:41 am

    James. Check this old prospect out next time your up there

    40°41’36"N 109°57’09"W · 2.06 mi

  19. @kylejackson1392 on November 29, 2023 at 8:41 am

    How far would have to travel to bring all those rocks to that location?& where is the quarry where they came from. That whole site looks like an imploded building /castle . You know like a demolished building ,they set charges boom ! the building comes down own it’s own foot print & rocks fall all around the base.

  20. @eggsalts4243 on November 29, 2023 at 8:42 am

    You’re welcome

  21. @buzz385 on November 29, 2023 at 8:45 am

    Thank you James. The Boulder mound reminds me of Patomski crater in Siberia, check it out. I’d love to hear what you think of it

  22. @paulbegley1464 on November 29, 2023 at 8:48 am

    You should really investigate the double image video area better. There could be a very good reason for the double image .and that would include both the main area and the double area.

  23. @benjaminjones4601 on November 29, 2023 at 8:50 am

    I love using black lights in those mountains

  24. @clanrobertson7200 on November 29, 2023 at 8:51 am

    I too thoroughly enjoyed this video and your quest for historic knowledge concerning pre Columbian contact, a topic that has had enormous amounts of fuel added to the real field of cultural anthropology. I have just watched a video that proposes that survivors of the Roman destruction of Carthage fled to the Spanish coast first, but had been trading for the tin in Cornwall and the copper from Michigan, which has been proven to be the copper that fueled the Bronze Age, and later took the great river in the sea that delivered them to the Caribbean, the Amazon River and all the way up to Peru Highlands and were among the Cloud People who have mummies bound up and in or on a shelf behind a wooden statue. They built round rock houses just like the Celtic houses from the cost of Spain and Cornwall, England. Many of these mummies have the elongated heads that have been discovered in other parts of Peru and South American Countries. Many of which were DNA tested and showed haplogroup for the material side from the Middle East and the Black Sea Area. In a test on a skull that was 1,500 years old, I tested to have origins from a Scottish woman. In the village where these Sky People lived, there is a small percentage of the population that carries the blond/red hair and blue/green eyes to this day and they are the children of local Indian people.

    OK, the last thing that I would like to mention is that there is an anomalous mountain of rock in Australia which the Aborigines say is a place of the dream time and is powerful evil and men and animals that go into the rock openings may never come out.
    You are probably aware of all of this but you never know.

    The old professor

    Live free or die!
    Death ☠️ to all tyrants!
    The truth will stand before God when the world falls.

  25. @diggerdog6649 on November 29, 2023 at 8:52 am

    This formation is just about 10 miles north of Skinwalker Ranch. By coincidence? Don’t think so.

  26. @eggsalts4243 on November 29, 2023 at 8:53 am

    It’s red brick buildings that got melted down. Look at monument valley in Arizona. Colorado river, etc. they were cities…. Red brick cities.

  27. @dougcrofts7877 on November 29, 2023 at 8:54 am

    cairn’s are survey markers for a boundary. The old Indian treaty boundary used these cairns if you look at a forest service map. They go clear to the top of the ridges above Whiterocks lake. The mesa looks out of place, but is natural accumulation of slide rock. Though check out the cords of @tracygardner841 below as this is a mine prospect. Its not to say that there was ancient, Spanish or Mexican in this area before the cairns were placed or the cairns were mixed together.

  28. @annemarks7367 on November 29, 2023 at 8:54 am

    James, when we look at glyphs, this entire rock, broken up mount, appears to say "keep out"! It’s obvious you found a hot spot where it does appear Giants, so called, have used nature, anti gravity for your future, to really never get to the bottom of this fantastically abnormal complete mystery of what must be underneath it all. It sure signals UAP apparatuses to us as it’s form is anything but a natural geographical occurance. Which is why it spells glyph symbol to me. Just my take on it.

  29. @chillyc76 on November 29, 2023 at 9:00 am

    Steve Shaffer made it 😂 😆 😝

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