UPS Helps Honor Gold Star Families in Hawaii

UPS Helps Honor Gold Star Families in Hawaii

World War II Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Hershel “Woody” Williams and his foundation continue the mission with help from UPS and UPS Freight.

Woody Williams, the last surviving Medal of Honor recipient from the WWII Battle of Iwo Jima and co-founder of the Hershel “Woody” Williams Medal of Honor Foundation, continues a mission to establish monuments for Gold Star Families across the United States. Most recently, UPS agreed to transport one of the 12,000 lb. monuments from Elberton, Georgia, where it was created, to Honolulu. A UPS Freight truck moved it across the country to Ontario, California, where it was loaded onto a UPS Airlines cargo jet for its final leg across the Pacific.

The monuments are part of a national effort started by Williams and his foundation to honor, recognize and serve Gold Star Families and their fallen heroes. Though the 94-year-old Williams’ energy and commitment to this mission is quite extraordinary, he is quick to point out, “This is not about me, it is about them.”
“Them” being Gold Star Families and their loved ones who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

This is the 33rd Gold Star Families Memorial Monument and the eighth monument UPS has moved for the foundation to sites across the United States. UPS has helped move monuments in West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Texas, and now Hawaii.

#UPS #GoldStarFamilies #WoodyWilliams

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