Alaska has some of the most delicious sea food in the world! This Red King Crab definitely did not disappoint!
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Alaska has some of the most delicious sea food in the world! This Red King Crab definitely did not disappoint!
#trending #Alaska #travel #travelvlog
Casually scamming people and then yelling it is just hilarious to me
Wtf are those prices . Straight daylight robbery . Fk that they can keep that sht
Can you get butter sauce with the crabs or no lol
Can I fly direct into Juneau ?
I prefer snow crab(opilio), they are much sweeter, do not need butter and most people believe the king crabs(red crab) are better because they are bigger and more expensive. I can usually find them for $10/12 per pound (michigan). They are already pre cooked so if you can boil water, you can cook crab legs. Buying them in a restaurant is probably the biggest rip off anywhere.
I’ve been there it was so good we went about 1 year ago with our whole family it was the best trip ever
They took the head butter and extra body meat smh
Tourist trap ahoy!
As of this point in time, I heard it’s very hard to find crabs I guess 90% of the population disappeared or died. Is that the reasoning that 6 pounds of crab is $426 ridiculous. It sounds like a tourist trap.
You are eating cock roaches google it
Why is it so expensive ,when you get it from there? I can understand if shipping it to the other 49 states .lol
Ya… I’ll stick to Land Animals ….
Yall sick 🤮
400 is wild
I just saw larger legs for 120 bucks at my local shoprite in Nj
Crazy price for sea roaches!
You can go to the local costco and get like 2-3 legs for $60. My mom and I would do this every christmas! Looking forward to cominh home and having some delicious king crab!!
Man you got took that’s about 45 bucks worth of crab up there fresh off the boat
U can tell ur g.f like her large iteas if u no what i mean drew 😂
Have you ever been to Alaska? 🚢
$426?! That’s insane
Look at him eating a bug instead of making a car payment. Genius.
$426? A friend of mine just got the same amount at the food bank!!
To think that it would be cheaper because your near the source but nope 😂
Ding send me 426
That’s insane!!! Esp considering they come from the waters surrounding Alaska, and I can get them cheaper on the east coast. I can pay 75$ and eat all that I can. You all got shafted.
I tasted king crab legs before
426$$$ sir where’s the pier ill do it myself 😂
These guys are theifs
They saw yall coming a mile away
California = 10lbs for under $400
I pay 10th of that all the way in TENNESSEE. My guy got robbed fresh off the boat!!!!
Rip off!!!!
I’m good $480 no no no no no no no no no no no
Womp womp to all the mfs saying "just say ur broke", theres buying things cuz u want, and buying things cause u need
I can get crabs for free at local bar.
I’ve been there very good crab
$426 a serve for a shit eating crustacean? Give me a steak ANYDAY!
I will remember that – thaaaaanX😊
You would think going to the source location it would be cheaper
You paid 400 for them to ring a bell?? I’m so sorry, I want to appreciate the experience but like… really??? Did you at least get a T-shirt?? We’re sides salad and drink included??
The staff rings a bell and yells " we got another idiot"😂
6lbs of crab for $426
10lbs of crab for $398 at Costco…
The bell is so tacky. How dies the stupid bell make it memorable for the customer. It is for the owner
The probably bought it from Costco.
For 400$ you can eat two whole king crabs in korea XD
104.80 per pound😅😅😅😅😅 enjoy
and They say Genos and Pats in Philly are a tourist trap 😂
426$ for what 😂😂😂😂…? You fool
Growing up in Juneau, we had catch and cook king crab feasts during the summer, probably at least 50 lbs of king crab legs each time. No idea we were eating close to $4000 worth of crab as a family each time 😂
Well I can’t afford to eat that food 😅