We Found GOLD In The Colorado Desert – Treasure Hunting
We Found GOLD In The Colorado Desert – Treasure Hunting
We Found GOLD In The Colorado Desert – LOOK AT THIS!
#GoldMine #Desert #MyFriendPete
We take a trip to the Colorado Mining Country and find the biggest Gold Bar known to man! Then We find a the Worlds Largest Uranium Rock ever found! It’s a GOLD MINE of STUFF as we LOOK AROUND to FIND THINGS we DON”T REALLY NEED!
http://www.swrnc.com or 972-420-1293
That area produced uranium for the first atomic bomb. The mine sold the ore as Vanadium. Government processed the ore and separated the Uranium. Manhattan Project was so secret the mine didn’t know the Government really only wanted the Uranium.
Some mine tailing hold a respectable amount of fine gold. My buddy has a vrbo rental on the Dolores River just below Rico Co. He can mine for gold right there on his property. If he spent a little more weekend time he could get a couple ounces of gold each summer.
Gotta love it Pete is like a big kid lol. Minnie you know crack kills! Lol great video.
Glad to hear you struck it rich Pete.
Question for Minnie… does Pete act like this all day long every day?
since you get hanged anyway for stealing the rail. I would have driven my razor up to the rail and out with it.
Should have named the video "LOOK!", lol.
Pete I gold pan out ere in ohio…Ohio… have gear to do it next time I come out we should go prospecting. We haven’t given up on moving either. We miss u guys and your beautiful scenery.
I almost spit my coffee out on that video. Very funny , indeed ….
Hi pete great vidio. Hope mini is doing ok. You said she had to have a medical procedure. I called my mom and asked her to have her church to pray for her. Hope you both are doing good in health and spirit
Amazing and beutimus episode makes me want to take a hike in the desert.
Cool ! I live in Pennsylvania. The scenery there is like a lost world . Beautiful. Got a nice DIY painter guy shirt . I love it ! Best wishes Minnie !
smarter not harder. go get the razor to drag it. smh
look! look! LOOK! lol
I was surprised to see the "Grand Canyon!"

Prospector Pete… having a big time….
Good lookin
Great video! Thanks. You are tuff Minnie…kick some ass.
SUPPORT MINNIE — She is Getting Ready for a MAJOR HOSPITAL SURGEY and We Need your SUPPORT! Please Visit the Merchandise Store above this comment and give to the CAUSE!! Alot of GREAT STUFF TO BUY. We get a SMALL COMMISSION FOR EVERYTHING SOLD.. Thanks and God Bless!
I caught the prospecting bug lately myself
how much gold is in the California dirt just in my backyard have a great one you guys stay safe.
This was hilarious and fun
Thanks for the tour. Amazing.
look look look. what what? its a rock and some wood. lol
Pete prays for Minni and you I have been their I know what you guys are going through please do not stop making videos you are the best your personally is one of a kind thats why I enjoy watching and learning God Bless you guy’s hang in there your friend from Ohio.
It probably was a water tank. Water was needed for steam power machines.
Minnie you hang in there..my prayers are with you. Pete you to. Your Family also.
Tell Minnie we will be praying for her. Take care
Good looking out Pete.

Sometimes I can’t decide which I like best , the DIY videos or the Pete & Minnie Exploration Co. videos .
I love cars , and exploring the forgotten lands of America. Keep it going .
Hard times back in those mining days yet i’d much rather be living a more simpler life than being in this messed up world
Pete, did Sammy Salammy go with y’all on that trip?
Wow, you must never get bored of that environment, such awesome scenery.
Well wishes to Minnie
Adventures with Minnie and Pete !
Pete you just remove a video?
Look look look , funny shit man
15:03 Crack kills!