Worth a Thousand Words: The Delaware Canal in Pictures presented by Susan Taylor

Worth a Thousand Words: The Delaware Canal in Pictures presented by Susan Taylor

A Delaware River Heritage Lecture Sponsored by the Delaware River Greenway Partnership (DRGP)

The Delaware Canal has lured photographers from the time that cameras came into use. Using an assemblage of photos ranging from the era when mules pulled cargo-laden boats to today when the Canal can be a scenic wonder, Susan Taylor shared stories of the canal’s past and hopes for its future.

The 58.9-mile-long canal, extending from the Forks of the Delaware in Easton to the tidewater in Bristol, was illustrated with old postcard views, some then-and-now images to compare-and-contrast, canal and river vistas, and shots of the best and worst of nature.

Susan Taylor had the pleasure and challenge of being the Executive Director of the non-profit Friends of the Delaware Canal for over 30 years. Walking the full-length of the canal each year, leading guided tours, developing interpretive signs, and meeting so many people has allowed her to develop a rich knowledge of the canal and its surroundings.

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This talk, one in a series, open to the public and free of charge, was sponsored by the Delaware River Greenway Partnership, (DRGP), about different aspects of the cultural, recreational, and natural heritage of the Delaware River. An environmental nonprofit, DRGP supports the Delaware River Scenic Byway, the Lower Delaware Wild & Scenic River River, the Delaware River Water Trail, and the Delaware River Heritage Trail.

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