1. Shirl Bussman on October 20, 2022 at 11:05 am

    That was such a tragic story. The history is amazing and the pictures. I always enjoy your videos.
    I’m finally one today’s video. I wasn’t on YT most of the weekend. I went to see family members. I enjoyed seeing them but I got sick because I’m allergic to animals and they had added another one that I didn’t know about. I just couldn’t keep up even though I tried. I hate it when I have to
    delete subs. I was just getting more and more behind. Thanks for your story. ATB to you, Lee!!

  2. DiggingIntoYesterday on October 20, 2022 at 11:05 am

    Wow this was a bit depressing. Like Shirl (below) said…tragic story 🙁 Sure does make you wonder if anyone has or will find that treasure.
    You did a great job on the video. Really liked it 🙂
    Sorry for late response, but I am still on a slight "vacation" from YouTube. I pop in here and there unlike being on it daily like I normally have been.
    Hope you are doing well my friend.
    Take care and happy hunting.

  3. Brian Quilty on October 20, 2022 at 11:45 am

    Great job Lee. I was away for a few days last week, so I’m just getting caught up now. HH & GL.

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