FloridaTreasure Story- Little River – treasure video #2

FloridaTreasure Story- Little River – treasure video #2

Before buying any detector-read these metal detector user reviews http://amzn.to/11o4KmS

Another of my videos on where to find treasure in Florida..
be sure to look at my other treasure videos on my channel and check out my DVD I sell on eBay full of old Florida history books, antique maps and 80 year old photo post cards that give great tips on where to look in Florida with your metal detector.
My ebay store is at

My DVD is titled
Florida Metal Detectors Friend Historical Research Treasure Hunters Guide DVD

Robb’s 2 ACE 250 metal detector bench test questions

FloridaTreasure Story- Elliott Key shipwreck video #1

FloridaTreasure Story- Little River – treasure video #2

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Robb’s Home Made Life

I add new videos every week. If you make DIY or outdoor or low cost living or prepper videos, I would be happy to check them out.

Thanks for visiting my channel everybody.Don’t spend all your time on the computer and youtube and be sure to go out and have some fun with friends and family while you still can.


  1. porpoise13 on August 20, 2022 at 9:58 am

    Robb, great research! Thanks for putting it up to share with others!

  2. Robb's Homemade Life on August 20, 2022 at 10:05 am

    Thanks cd,
    learning the history of an area or a found item is as much fun as metal detecting. I think the hobby is under rated.

  3. Bearlake1624 on August 20, 2022 at 10:12 am

    Is the cd still available ?

  4. Robb's Homemade Life on August 20, 2022 at 10:13 am

    Hi Bearlake, yes the CD is available, check the ebay link in the description box.
    There is a lot of information so it would not all fit on a cd so I burned it as data on a DVD, but it opens on the computer just like a CD and the files are in PDF.

  5. Robb's Homemade Life on August 20, 2022 at 10:19 am

    Hi Pete, I have been planning to do more. I have not been metal detecting in years as I prefer water detecting and my old whites stopped working and it worked me to death as it hunted deep and had no discrimination so I could spend ten minutes in waves digging a bobby pin.
    I bought an ACE 205 last week and will try to make it waterproof and see if I have any luck as the sand down here is not very mineralized.

  6. Robb's Homemade Life on August 20, 2022 at 10:22 am

    Thanks GZ!

  7. KSTsonic® on August 20, 2022 at 10:26 am

    Wow… I also sat under the Trestle as the train rolled over. Talk about a rush. It’s a memory that has never left me. We also used to lay on the rocks in the stretch between the El Portal Police station and the trestle as the train passed. That train was a big part of my daily entertainment there.

  8. KSTsonic® on August 20, 2022 at 10:36 am

    See if you can find my bracelet! lol..

  9. KSTsonic® on August 20, 2022 at 10:37 am

    I grew up at 8637 NE First Ave. I spent many days staring into the water from the 2nd ave bridge asking the same question. My brother lived in the little bungalow apartments on the southeast bank of the river at the 2nd ave bridge. We were always concerned about the Little River Rat… You know, the giant rat that ate people. Don’t know if you ever heard that story. 86th street and the Indian mound are great places to walk around. I lost a gold bracelet by the RR trestle in about 1976!!

  10. Stormrex on August 20, 2022 at 10:42 am

    Please make more of these! I will absoulty make a trip and see where i can detect down there. I will make a video response of all my finds!

  11. Robb's Homemade Life on August 20, 2022 at 10:43 am

    Hello YouTubers. If you like my DIY videos, can I ask a favor? I am trying to increase the number of subscribers to my channel. If you ever go to any online forums and think the members might like the type of frugal, DIY low tech goofball videos I have on my channel, can you leave a link of my channel? The other day Mr Rawles over at survivalblog ( dot) com left a link to my flea control video and I got a lot of new subscribers. Any helpful criticism is also welcome. Thanks everybody.

  12. Diggin Jimmy on August 20, 2022 at 10:44 am

    I use this when detect but I use MY Track on my android phone. I will make a video on it . Love your video

  13. Robb's Homemade Life on August 20, 2022 at 10:51 am

    hey KST, we used to climb the banks under the trestle when we heard a train coming and let the trian roll over the top of us inches from our face., it was so loud it shook our bones and we couldn’t think of anything but TRAIN for the next 5 minutes. there is a lot of history in Miami hardly anybody knows, like the indian mound and the river story, I moved to Broward 2 years ago, I will be going back next year to visit and make some local history videos, my family came in 1919.

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