Island Treasures (1957 Documentary about "Banfill Island" on the Mississippi by W. Breckenridge)

Island Treasures (1957 Documentary about "Banfill Island" on the Mississippi by W. Breckenridge)

This vintage Bell Museum documentary is about “Banfill Island” in Brooklyn Park, MN on the Mississippi River, Walter J. Breckenridge’s house (which is now the Walter J. Breckenridge Chapter House of the Izaak Walton League) was right by this island, and he did his own research project about this ecology of this island and section of the Mississippi River.

For this film, I had two reels (called Island Treasures Part 1 and Part 2 respectively) and I had a narration track Breckenridge recorded at some point. Breckenridge frequently cut and recut his films for his live delivery of them, so the digitized reels did not match his narration (because they were done at different times) so I (Kyle Grindberg) with his daughter Barbara Franklin, we carefully rearranged the footage to match his narration.


  1. John The Verbose on June 5, 2023 at 7:39 am

    A fascinating insight into local ecology. Searched for the island in Google on a whim after seeing it in Maps. I had an odd feeling this Island had something special about it. Sure does!

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