Prospecting Rich Deposits – Gold & Silver Veins in Utah Mountains

Prospecting Rich Deposits – Gold & Silver Veins in Utah Mountains

Steve Shaffer took the team out for the day, exploring places in the high mountains where he found minerals.

When we got back from the trip, he gave me his assays that we’re taken from 1981 – 1999.

These deposits are extremely rich and some of the assays showed millions in gold and silver. Now, we have to get the gold and silver out of the ground.


  1. Michael Fercik on June 1, 2023 at 9:49 am

    Dowsing with the modern light weight ball bearing dowsing rod will locate any element with the one-tenth ounce dowsing rod load that is attached to the dowsing rod becoming energized by the same element buried in the ground. To learn all of the physics involved and how to build your own modern light weight ball bearing dowsing rod that uses gravity for a gauge, read the book The Art of Dowsing – Separating Science from Superstition, then practice all of the book’s dowsing lessons for knowing instead of guessing whats buried or contained in ledges. Have a safe, healthy, good day.

  2. Vendetta Prospecting on June 1, 2023 at 10:09 am

    AWESOME! Looks like a good time guys!

  3. Susette Kloska on June 1, 2023 at 10:18 am


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